You can't prove God doesn't exist

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CyberLN's picture
Again, extrapolating the the
WilfDisney's picture
"Again, extrapolating the the
SeanBreen's picture
This is just wrong. The laws
Nyarlathotep's picture
WilfDisney - "So without any
WilfDisney's picture
Then I misunderstood your
Travis Hedglin's picture
I will gladly take up the
WilfDisney's picture
Why would I do that?
Travis Hedglin's picture
"Why would I do that?"
Travis Hedglin's picture
"So without any proof
Nyarlathotep's picture
Travis Hedglin - "C. Such
Travis Hedglin's picture
It is also in stark
WilfDisney's picture
This is unfounded abuse and
WilfDisney's picture
Are you suggesting the
WilfDisney's picture
Using reason, I disagree on
Travis Hedglin's picture
"A. Observations from which
WilfDisney's picture
“Even before invariance
Travis Hedglin's picture
"This is a fallacy. If I
WilfDisney's picture
Do not get me wrong, I have
Travis Hedglin's picture
"1. There is no evidence of
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
WilfDisney's picture
Thank you for the link but it
Nyarlathotep's picture
WilfDisney - "science
CyberLN's picture
That song now stuck in my
WilfDisney's picture
Selective quoting is not big
Travis Hedglin's picture
"...the point I was making is
WilfDisney's picture
First of all my son has a
Nyarlathotep's picture
WilfDisney - 'Unfortunately,
Travis Hedglin's picture
"First of all my son has a
WilfDisney's picture
I am amused by your ranting.
Travis Hedglin's picture
That is rich coming from the


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