Youth Violence = Deprived OF Christian Values = Aggressive Secularism.

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fruyian's picture
Great argument man. I agree
arakish's picture
TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
Yes, well of course all these
Randomhero1982's picture
Nice list TBW, I'd also add..
Cognostic's picture
I mentioned that before but
Bill Kilpatrick's picture
Rasster's picture
I expect we'd be pretty much
Bill Kilpatrick's picture
Bill Kilpatrick's picture
Tin-Man's picture
@Bill Re: "Where would the
BigE4933's picture
Since all “god’s laws” are
LogicFTW's picture
@Rasster original post.
Sapporo's picture
Laws against murder, theft,
Sheldon's picture
Still can't get used to the
arakish's picture
Me thinks Rasster has left
Tin-Man's picture
@Arakish Re: "What do y'all
algebe's picture
arakish: Think he had enough
Thomas Askew's picture
After Christians took over
fruyian's picture
Quote by OP:
Dave Matson's picture


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