Thanks for the "Like" feature.

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CyberLN's picture
Thanks for the "Like" feature.

Appreciate it!

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CyberLN's picture
Anyway to get a dislike
ThePragmatic's picture
Agree / Disagree and Like /
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Nice idea cyber
Ellie Harris's picture
I don't think a dislike
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
The like or dislike is for
Ellie Harris's picture
Besides a dislike button
Spewer's picture
Whenever I click on "Agree"
shawnivie's picture
I have the same issue....
Aaron's picture
Yes it's good option and feel
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
It has been misused already,
shawnivie's picture
I can't get the AGREE button
cmallen's picture
If you see "Disagree", it
Spewer's picture
Hello cmallen. I did not have
cmallen's picture
Weird, it works for me. I
CyberLN's picture
Thanks for the disagree
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Yea it makes more sens now
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Yea it makes more sens now
ThePragmatic's picture
Well, actually...
Nyarlathotep's picture
Pragmatic is right. There are
Nyarlathotep's picture
Now we need a third vote
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
An other thing I noticed that
breanne82's picture
We use a subset of CBCL
lhayesh's picture
Those were wise words, but
alicia64b's picture
What do you say "And up

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