Is there a way to hide, a particular user posts/topics from yourself?

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Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Is there a way to hide, a particular user posts/topics from yourself?

Most of us are annoyed with trolls and spammers that hinder discourse and mature discussion.
Most are banned after a while but there are some (eg kenny) that are annoying to even see their name sometimes.

Is there a way to just not see what they wrote, like an option to not see the particular user comments.
It is OK to see that they have written something, but maybe you do not wish to read it or see huge pages that forces you to scroll down a lot because of their spam.

Like a show/hide option on the posts that can be pre-set against a particular user.

Any other ideas on these lines are welcome.
CONSTRUCTIVE criticism are also welcome.

What do you think?

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