
Four Things

There must be four gospels like there are four winds of heaven and four corners of the Earth, wrote Irenaeus. This appears to have been the first Christian figure to compile the four gospels we know today as official canon, and this is the kind of criteria he used.

Two Fears That An Atheists Have

As my first blog, I want to create a motivation to those who were new to the Atheist belief system. I will tell you my story and opinions on how to face your fears of joining Atheism such as: why do you  feel such strange feelings when you are a first-timer, how to deal with it, and what are the other fears that an Atheist possesses.

“Miracles” in the scriptures don’t verify the scriptures

Many religious people claim that there are miracles, scientific or prophetic, in the scriptures and those miracles prove that their scriptures are true. They say that, despite their understanding that the same books have serious logical and scientific errors.  Actually, there is no miracle in any of the religious scriptures. No sign of anything but stupidity and barbarity. Yet, let’s assume here today that there are miracles in the “holy” scriptures and try to understand if they are enough to become a believer.
