The future of Education in the U.S.

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SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
The future of Education in the U.S.

What is the future of the US education system? Is it now in the path of Christian Domination? I have concerns and opinions but forget that momentarily.

Here is Representative Al Franken (D) of Minnesota, speaking out against our new Sec of Education.... Betsy DeVos. I've watched the entire speech, but in case you'd like to skip to the point, I'd refer you to minutes @7:48 - 9:30



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BAACKJD's picture
I just hope that the pendulum

I just hope that the pendulum will only swing so far before it heads back the other way. What a nightmare.

Endri Guri's picture
It will surely be greatly

It will surely be greatly damaging to the future society if Religion is ever taught in School. It's a crime against Teenagers (and Children) to be taught Religion (literally), they do not need to be taught about any God, they can decide that for themselves. No one has the right to shove it in someone's head without their consent.

ImFree's picture
I really commend Senator

I really commend Senator Franklin for exposing how incompetent DeVoss is. Hopefully, she will be continuously opposed as she attempts to implement her religious based agenda.

Pitar's picture
Kids will filter out what

Kids will filter out what they do and they're pretty sharp. I went to a christian university for a particular degree and the kids who were in attendance there were pretty secular and following a rationale similar to my own. DeVoss has been indoctrinated to believe that religion embodies all that is moral and ethical, and will not (cannot) be convinced that such traits are part of man's natural make-up. She's channeling fear and that's the worst trait one can put in a leadership role.

MCDennis's picture
She is an idiot

She is an idiot

ThePragmatic's picture
Perhaps the Internet will be

Perhaps the Internet will be the education for U.S. children...


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