Help PLEASE!!!!!

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Agoodatheist's picture
Help PLEASE!!!!!

I just recently found out how fucking dumb Catholicism and Christianity really is. Here's the thing, I am now an Atheist, but I consider myself a good Atheist. I don't believe that there is one definitive religion that is correct, I believe all religions and even people with no religions are worthy of love. However, I've noticed how much of a damn lie this whole religion is and I want out. The problem I have is I have given into this lie for 25 years of my life! And since I have given into this lie, my way of thinking is so horrible.... I can't think straight at all. Can someone tell me how to get out of this? Like give me a list of steps to take? The problem is, I'm in debt up to my knees, I still live with my horrible Father, I live with a whole family who is bent on killing and destroying me. I need to get out of here. I've been here for far too long! I just want someone to tell me how to get out of this mindset and fast! However I have a funny feeling this is gonna take years! Any help?

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Capt.Bobfm's picture
It seems, for most people it

It seems, for most people it DOES take tears.
Congratulations on figuring out that you were being led down the Primrose path and were able to pull yourself out. A lot of people never get that far.
Good for you !
Now you are awake and can see the world as it really is. Now you can start living.
Take control of your life, no one else can do that for you. It isn't easy but you need to do it. Rest assured that it will get a little easier every day. Just like any other skill, it takes practice and it takes time, but you will get there.
Don't look at ALL your problems at one time, prioritize your situation and take care of one thing that you want to change at a time.
This may help you to not be overwhelmed.
Find yourself an atheist social group so you have other people who you can talk to and from whom you can get support.
Don't despair, now you know that your life is much more precious than you thought it was when you believed that you had an afterlife coming.
Keep that in mind !
Fix your situation, enjoy your self, do what you need to do.
How much worse can it be than the way you have been living ?
I, and I'm sure the majority of the folks on this site, are here for you and support you.
You are NOT alone !

ImFree's picture
Make the most of your life by

Make the most of your life by enjoying it as much as you can. Remember, when you were born you won the biggest lottery ever. Don't waste anymore of your time worrying about things that don't exist.

Zaphod's picture
Just, because I have often

Just, because I have often seen people indebted to people they never agreed to be indebted to, I must how is it you became indebted?

Zaphod's picture
Who are you indebted to?

Who are you indebted to?

Also to correct what I asked above:

I must know, how is it you became indebted?

doniston's picture
whether you ar male or female

whether you ar male or female makes a difference as women can have better available options, also if male and gay makes a difference, I would be happy to help if I knew.

Sloth's picture
:( I know how it is. I

:( I know how it is. I recently let go of Christianity as well. My best advice is to remain strong and independent minded, despite what people tell you. Remember that they're brainwashed, and you used to be the same way. Never be quick to anger and respect all religions despite their stupidity and mythology. I really wish you the best of luck!

ex-christian_atheist's picture
I was still living with

I was still living with parents when I became an atheist. It was difficult for me to get out of the mindset as well, but it only took a month or two to really get used to it. Moving out helped a lot. If you can find any way to get your own place, I would definitely try.

Dave Thompson's picture
The realization is relatively

The realization is relatively quick. Once you don't 'believe', you are an's that simple. The rest of the things that can come from atheism takes time, and it is different for everyone. No two 'coming out' stories are the same.

After 25 years you will have lots of additional baggage that you used your belief to shore-up and now that it's gone you will eventually have to deal with it, but there is no rush. Take it as it comes. Understand that there is no reward and no punishment at the end of our lives, that no one is judging us for our very thoughts, and that no one is pulling any strings for or against you in this world.

I don't know your work situation, nor your geographical location. If you are in a predominantly superstitious area then just role with it until you can get out. If you can put together a way to move out into a small apartment or room with someone else then do so asap, for multiple reasons.

Be careful, and I wish you well.

merry's picture
everyone is a atheist when

everyone is a atheist when they are born, just have to find your way back.

Jeff Vella Leone's picture
yep, a lot of people forget

yep, a lot of people forget that.

Lmale's picture
Maybe a 12 step program

Maybe a 12 step program wouldnt be a bad idea?
Step 1 doubt, if you have them then use them check into things that caused you doubt.
Step 2 read about other religions there are so many they cant possibly all be true but it is possible for all to be untrue. seeing them while remembering you once believed completely yours had to be true. Why did you think they were not true apply that thinking to your religion.
Step 3 examine your ethics decide what you yourself consider right and wrong.
Step 4 apply your ethical standard to your holy book (and other religions books if you wish) does it (they) meet your standard. Im pretty sure it (they) wont.
Step 5 apply your ethical standard to the historical and current events of your religion again and others if you wish.
Step 6 By now you probably ready to examine the 'evidence' for your religion and others. Id start with prophecies were they all fulfilled infact were they written vague or after the actual event. Look for plagerisms in your book take the bible noah moses in a basket and the tower of babel was stolen from the jews (along with the old testament ofc but these 3 are important) who stole them from the babylonians and noah can be traced back to 10000 bc in sumeria. What are the odds that god just happened to steal an idea from some ancient civilisation.
Step 7 check into the authors of the bits paul and josephus have been pretty discredited.
Step 8 check for historical accuracy theres no evidence the Israelites were even in Egypt.
Step 9 check for scientific inaccuracies the bible says the earth is flat and the sun obits the earth etc.
Step 10 talk other atheists we will listen and try to help we take care of our own most of the world hates us for not conforming. Ive heard a theist actually say pick a side any side.
Step 11 consider deism ethically i have to point out you can believe in a creator without the religion bullshit.
Step 12 the hardest step assuming you are now an atheist decide what kind of atheist an atheist lacks belief in god an agnostic atheist lacks belief in god and doesnt know if a god could exist or not a gnostic atheists lacks belief in god and thinks there couldnt be a god. Now you know what you are you have to decide who to tell come out to trusted people or say it loud and proud.

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