Horrible Day in American History

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Yes this should be for the

Yes this should be for the non believers, but people like Pitiful Pitar and Never happened are trolls. They should not even be responded to any longer. What would they say now that we know just how far trump has gone. Muslim ban, not a christian ban, Yes he is catering to the people who helped put him there. Trump was once quoted in people magazine as saying if he ever ran it would be on the republican side, as they are just stupid enough to vote for him and he would win by a landslide.

I will say this. The Democrats have been a major let down. They have been voting to approve of his horrible picks when hey should all be voting NO! WE are supposed to Deny and Obstruct this neo-nazi every chance we get. I have been to 4 protests and 2 meetings and have been harassed by cops, and also a trump voter tried to kill our group by running us over with his car. The cops did nothing, I yelled at them that they were fascist pigs and they threatened me with arrest.

Look what happened to the people in Germany that stayed silent! This very well could lead me to jail or injury, but I have something christians, conservatives and republicans will never have. Facts, Logic and bravery to stand up to the new nazi party.

I will resist in any way I can and I will never give up.

I am humbled by your applause, lol!


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