How an ancient whale skull could point to humanity's birthplace

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ImFree's picture
How an ancient whale skull could point to humanity's birthplace

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Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Good to know, nice post

Good to know, nice post ImFree

Though one just has to keep in mind that this info does in no way help the hypothesis that apes actually weren't bipedal to begin with.

It is just an assumption that apes started as quadrupeds which only came from old bias about WALKING being ONLY a human trait.

The bias that Walking = more intelligent.

I think today we are past that nonsense and maybe accept the fact that Just like the current fossils(of Miocene apes like LUCY) that we have(all bipedal) they might have been bipedal from start.

ImFree's picture
Doesn't it make you want to

Doesn't it make you want to face-palm when you read some theist making the absurd claim that fossils were planted by the devil? LOL
The more scientists find, the more information they receive to pinpoint future fossil searches.

Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Yea, some are just hopeless.

Yea, some are just hopeless.

Screw the fossils, they also think that the devil posses people to try and make them fall to the temptation of doubting their faith.

Can you be more delusional then that?

ThePragmatic's picture
The Devil? But, I thought it

The Devil? But, I thought it was the aliens?

Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Some even think they are the

Some even think they are the same thing :P lol

ThePragmatic's picture
Whoa!! Alien-Devils! =P

Whoa!! Alien-Devils! =P

Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Fine example are the Mormons

Fine example are the Mormons lol

Kataclismic's picture
You've never doubted your

You've never doubted your faith have you Jeff?
:) :) :) :) :)

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