Oh, The Lord is good to me!

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Sloth's picture
Oh, The Lord is good to me!

So my church does this short prayer song before every meal together on Wednesday nights. (I am forced to attend church by my parents, regardless of my beliefs)
The song goes like this:
Oh, The Lord is good to me, and so I thank The Lord
For giving me the things I need, the sun and the rain and the apple tree
Oh The Lord is good to me!

Everyone bows their heads, locks hands, and closes their eyes to sing the routine song. At the end an applause of "Aaaaa-MEN!" By the majority of the church follows, and then everyone rushes to fill their plates with quality home-cooked food.

And to be honest, even though it probably shouldn't, it makes me sick.
Not only due to the ignorance and close-mindedness of the entire church, but the events taking place as they sing that song.
Within the bible itself, which they deem as perfect and holy, there is an abundance of hatred towards various peoples and instructions of how to deal with the "sinners"
The Lord is not good to those people. (Slaves, women, homosexuals, etc)
The Lord is also not very good to the millions of people dying/being persecuted/raped/kidnapped each day who prayed and believed they would be saved.
Oh, but "God works in mysterious ways"
Even though Jesus himself stated, ask and you will receive, among many other verses on blind faith.
Most Christians say he meant that metaphorically or some makeshift explanation that is supposed to justify it. But why would a perfect God allow his holy book to be written in such a way that could potentially confuse people immensely with every chapter, contradictions, and so much more.

This is just my view on things. I would like to hear all of your opinions...

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Chatterton's picture
I've been to that church.

I've been to that church. Many of us have. The incompetence they spew forth, while seeming normal yet varily contradicting that by condemning others for not being sheep like them. But they do not see it. They believe they are not sheep and yet they continuously view life as one. However, sheep themselves do not hate others as they do. But they don't believe they do.

Granted, most Christians in the world are Cafeteria Christians. They sing, praise, "hate" on Sundays but not other days. It's not the hypocritical-cherry-picking Christians we have to worry about. They're pretty much harmless. Just the fundamentalists; and I would like to say today they are few and far between, and in some ways they are -- the problem is the Cafeteria Christians do not normally recognize who the fundamentalists are in their church. So, they agree with them. Nod their heads as if they're just regular joe's.

But the food always seems good.

SonOh1's picture
My parents believe that god

My parents believe that god as a plan for everyone and people only die when they accomplished something that god wanted them to. My mom specifically believes that god sends people to the earth to learn something specific and when they die it's because they no longer have a purpose on the earth.
I'm just fine with passive beliefs like this. Sure I think its bull and I'll talk with my friends about it, but It's not like they are taught in church that their purpose on the earth is to kill nonbelievers. That is the belief I have a problem with. Sure the world would be a better place if everyone had their eyes fully open, but change has to happen slowly otherwise it becomes violent.

Sloth's picture
Good point.

Good point.

Snake's picture
Just make new lyrics to that

Just make new lyrics to that tune of your beliefs and sing them in your head, or throw up... It will at least get you out of one night of singing...
I remeber going to church and literally adding in words to songs with weird random words, then later belowing them out when I was home alone

Zaphod's picture
LOL, my father sings gospel

LOL, my father sings gospel parody in church with everyone all around him withing earshot.
One example:

My eyes have the glory of the coming of the lord,
he was riding into town in a black and yellow ford,
one hand was on the throttle while the other was on a bottle,
of Pabts Blue Ribbon beer.

Glory Glory
what a heck of a way to die

Glory Glory
what a heck of a way to die

Glory Glory
what a heck of a way to die

The truth goes marching on.

Sloth's picture


Sloth's picture
Lol, good idea

Lol, good idea

NeMar's picture
Just be glad that you are

Just be glad that you are smart enough to see through the b.s., unlike so many people. It could be worse, you could be one of them!

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