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SonOh1's picture

Are there any Republican Atheists (in the USA)?

What political ideas do Atheists prefer? Do we have differing views on subjects like abortion or the death penalty?

Really what I'm wondering is, are there any conservative Atheists and do Atheists generally share the same ideas?

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Zaphod's picture
I am not a Republican Atheist

I am not a Republican Atheist but yes there are, I know several. I myself am quite conservative especially when it come to some issues but I am far form a Republican.

You will find we atheist have many different views on many categories including politics. In fact the one thing we can all agree on is we do not believe in any deities.

Dave Thompson's picture
Atheists typically share an

Atheists typically share an evidence-based world-view, and that lends itself to liberal/left-leaning ideas. The reverse is true as well, believers do not value evidence nearly to the same degree and this aligns very well with ignoring damage done by policies in adherence to dogmatic beliefs.

But there are certainly atheist conservatives. There are many paths towards non-belief in god/gods, and some of them have little to do with real value of evidence and more to do with rejection of authority. This is a perfect place for Libertarians and secular conservatives to occupy.

Remember that 'atheism' itself is simply the understanding the there are likely no god/gods. Everything else is additional and is the reasoning behind the arrival at atheism but not the idea of atheism itself.

Lmale's picture
The atheism faq on quora is

The atheism faq on quora is damn good.

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