Spreading of Pseudoscience by new-age Godmans (Sadhguru)

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Hariprashad_8's picture
Spreading of Pseudoscience by new-age Godmans (Sadhguru)


These new-age Godmans like Sadhguru is “directly” attempting to regress the minds of modern youth back to the stone age of pseudosciences and superstitions.

I can list few idiotic Pseudoscience claimed by Sadhguru,

# "Black holes is Shiva linga",

# "Solar flare has effects on human consciousness",

# "solar and lunar eclipse has effects on human body",

# "During full moon day human consciousness is getting affected",

# "The structure of the water molecules can be changed through thoughts!”,

# "Ancient Indians knew about Higgs Boson just by doing yoga (what they called Yogi Science )",

# "We don't need LHC to study particle Physics, by yoga one can understand modern Physics",

# "The structure of the water molecules can be changed through thoughts!”,

# "Both micro Universe (quantum mechanics) and macro Universe were made in same way, if we understand macro Universe by yoga then we will understand micro Universe",

# "Modern Physics validates Hindu Vedic beliefs",

# "There is no other science which is as largely applicable as Yogic Science, Even Physics",

# "Consumption of mercury is very much a part of yogic practice”,

# "Homeopathy, Ayurveda,.. are more effective than Modern Scientific Medicines",

# "every object has particular frequency which can influence every other objects",

# "By Yogi Science one can make solid mercury in room temperature" and on….

One can easily disprove all these claims with just some basic sciences. It is surprising that how much bullshit he is!.

Whenever scientists discover or understand something, instant claim by sadhguru will be “Adi-Yogi knew this!” Which is extremely funny

He is just playing with words, worse is people are blindly believing him.

If Yogi Science knew everything, then why not he can tell this is what going in Universe, this is how it formed, this is how it evolved,…. But he said, Gurus don't tell anything, only he can teach you the methods to find all answers!.. it shows he is just interested in cheating public!

It seems like none of his followers are willing to use their brain.

Yogic Science is not real Science!
Any approach that's open to Reason, Rational discussion, Falsifiability, Skepticism, Critical Thinking & Questioning is the Scientific-Approach. Yogic Science approach is not Scientific, indeed it's Pseudoscientific.

So, my kind advice for all my fellow citizens of planet Earth is “Keep learning and asking questions of yourself and others, Instead of blindly believing these kind of psychotic gurujis”.

"Good thing about Science is, it is true whether or not you believe in it".



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Cognostic's picture
@Hariprashad Rav..."So, my

@Hariprashad Rav..."So, my kind advice for all my fellow citizens of planet Earth is “Keep learning and asking questions of yourself and others, "

Not much else need be said.

chimp3's picture
I was into Indian religions

I was into Indian religions when I was younger. The kinds of belief systems hippies got inspired by doing too much acid then read "Be Here Now"by Ram Das. Looking back, I will say that only India rivals the U.S. in bat shit crazy.

Meepwned's picture
One thing. Solar flares do

One thing. Solar flares do have the possibility to affect consciousness. Solar flares can kill, therefore extinguishing consciousness.

Cognostic's picture
I had a solar flare once and

I had a solar flare once and woke up in Hong Kong missing a kidney.

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