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Shalabh1410's picture
What I said was bullshit what

What I said was bullshit what you are saying may be bigger bullshit. Sorry for that.

Shalabh1410's picture
Its better to improve your

Its better to improve your perception rather than proving any random belief. I am not asking you to believe me.

Cognostic's picture
@Shalabh Singh: Then the

@Shalabh Singh: Then the conversation is over. Your perception is useless to me, as is your random belief. You have nothing to say worth while.

Cognostic's picture
@Shalabh Singh: " It's

@Shalabh Singh: " It's better to improve your perception" PROVE IT. You take a magic mushroom and you have all the enlightenment of the average drug addict. All the fucking perception in the world will not get you a cup of coffee if you do not have a dollar in your pocket. You go and play phantom woo woo with the Buddhists and let us know how it goes.

Shalabh1410's picture
I don't know how the coffee

I don't know how the coffee thing is relevant here. By the way I prove you why improving perception is better than proving any random belief wrong.
It's obvious that you can't prove infinite amount of belief wrong or right but you also accept that you don't know. So it's better to perceive better . Where is the problem in this?

Cognostic's picture
@ShalabhSingh: "It's obvious

@ShalabhSingh: "It's obvious that you can't prove infinite amount of belief"
You can't prove infinite with belief. WTF are you on about? BELIEF is not a path to truth. All you are doing is running around in circles chasing fantasies.

Re: " You also accept that you don't know. So it's better to perceive better." YOU KEEP SAYING THE SAME STUPID SHIT OVER AND OVER. WE AREN'T BUYING IT.

It's better to educate yourself so you don't fall victim to assholes that try to convince you to follow your experience into the real understanding of the mysteries of the world.


Shalabh1410's picture
@cog I know the belief is not

@cog I know the belief is not the path of truth.

When you encounter something that you don't know , but it exists. You try to find the explanation. In that pursuit improving perception can help you to explain that phenomenon. If you don't want to buy it. It's fine.

I have been doing experiment and gaining the results. I can't fall victim.

It can only be verified if many people do some thing to improve and reach the same milestones that you are reaching.. and to verify whether you are crazy or not you can try to find such people and ask them. If something matches with their experience, you know you are on the right path

Tin-Man's picture
Re: Shalabh: Paragraph of -

Re: Khvhh: Paragraph of - "When you encounter something that you don't know..." versus paragraph of - "It can only be verified if many people do some thing to improve..."

Hmmm... Did anybody else notice the distinct shift in grammar style between those two paragraphs? And between that last paragraph and all his prior posts? Hmmmm.... *tapping lips with index finger*...

(Edited to change name of individual addressed)

Shalabh1410's picture
I noticed now .. hmm it feels

I noticed now .. hmm it feels strange.. but don't worry. I accept my folly. I am sorry to waste your time.but believe me I had no diabolical intentions.

Tin-Man's picture
@Shalabh Re: "I noticed now

@Khvhh Re: "I noticed now .. hmm it feels strange.. but don't worry. I accept my folly."

Ah, the truth shall set you free. So, I don't know exactly whose hand is up your ass, but you are not as good as you might think you are. Nice try, though. Thanks for playing. Feel free to choose a consolation prize from the garbage can as you walk out the door.

(Edited to change name of individual addressed)

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ TM

@ TM

Well done sir...I didn't pick that up until you pointed it out. Good save.

We have more odd socks than an NFL team.

Cognostic's picture
@Shalabh Singh: NO! "If

@Shalabh Singh: NO! "If something matches with their experience, you know you are on the right path."

If this is your criteria for truth you will believe each and every insane claim on the planet. You must be Buddhist, Hindu, Taoist, Republican, Socialist, Communist, Christian, Satanist, Breatharian, vegetarian, and a member of every other inane belief system on the planet. You are back to PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, and we have already established that personal experience is not a path to truth,

Cognostic's picture
@Shalabh Singh: If you are

@Shalabh Singh: If you are an example of someone with an improved sense of perception, I for one am certainly going to pass. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA ......

If you wrote the words "WAKE THE FUCK UP" on your ass, you would be able to see them when you pulled your head out.

Shalabh1410's picture
I haven't made any claim that

I haven't made any claim that I should prove it.

Randomhero1982's picture
I haven't made any claim that

I haven't made any claim that I should prove it.

Well what an absolutely stunning surprise!

A theists rabbiting on like a drunk uncle at a bbq, ducking and dodging making any claim that they may have to back up.

This is such a refreshing change!!!!



Attach Image/Video?: 

Shalabh1410's picture
I haven't claimed anything

I haven't claimed anything that so should prove it.

TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
Burden of proof.

If you are presented with a small, trivial claim, you are justified to believe it on face value.

'A' says she has bicycle in her garage.

This is likely, does not require the suspension of the laws of nature and/or physics and furthermore, does not increase the power of one individual over another.

However, If we say;

'A' has a pink dragon, guarding a little green alien in their garage.

You may want to question that person, or have them committed.

The amount of proof required is directly proportional to the claim made.

Shalabh1410's picture
I haven't made any claim so I

I haven't made any claim so I dont think I need to prove anything.

TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
I did not claim that you did.

I did not claim that you did.

Shalabh1410's picture
What claim are you talking

What claim are you talking about watchmaker

Cognostic's picture
RE: You claimed the

RE: You claimed the importance of perspective. You have none. Please prove your assertion that perspective is important when you obviously and demonstrably have none.

Nyarlathotep's picture
@Shalabh Singh

@Shalabh Singh

What exactly do you mean by improving perception? Do you mean like measurable improvements to eyesight (for example)? Or do you mean something far less tangible?

Shalabh1410's picture
@nyar it's tangible

@nyar it's tangible

Nyarlathotep's picture
Shalabh Singh - nyar it's

Shalabh Singh - nyar it's tangible

Can you give a simple, concrete example; maybe that will help explain your position?

Shalabh1410's picture
@nyar example: you can

@nyar example: you can experience something that was part of you but you were not aware of it... But after enhancement you started feeling those things... It's just a milestone.. there can be lots of things to explore..

Nyarlathotep's picture
Shalabh Singh - ...you can

Nyarlathotep - Can you give a simple, concrete example...?

Shalabh Singh - ...you can experience something that was part of you but you were not aware of it... But after enhancement you started feeling those things... It's just a milestone.. there can be lots of things to explore.

That doesn't sound simple, or concrete.

Shalabh1410's picture
Leave it that was nonsense. I

Leave it that was nonsense. I am sorry to waste your time because of my ignorance.

Shalabh1410's picture
I am sorry it's not specific

I am sorry it's not specific example. But anyway I can't talk about what you haven't experienced get. I can only talk about how can it affect you?

(Edit: examples can be something new within your body which is subtle but tangible)

Cognostic's picture

Another po enters the site and starts a bunch of shit about enhancing his perception that has FUCK ALL to do with Atheism. THIS WHOLE FUCKING THREAD IS BULLSHIT ONCE AGAIN.

Shalabh1410's picture
Atheism means lack of belief

Atheism means lack of belief in God or gods and I don't believe them ,and even if they exist I don't care.
How is it related to atheism?
Because there may be someone who really wants to know the truth. And he is presented some stories to believe but he gets frustrated and become atheist. I want them to know there is still hope. It's not for uninterested people.

(Edit: what do u mean by po?

It has everything with atheism because basically we had a problem to explain what is life, what is consciousness. Then people tried to explain it with religion. But they couldn't. they were called theists. And people who don't agree them are atheists. But the problem still remains..


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