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Shalabh1410's picture
What I said was bullshit what
Shalabh1410's picture
Its better to improve your
Cognostic's picture
@Shalabh Singh: Then the
Cognostic's picture
@Shalabh Singh: " It's
Shalabh1410's picture
I don't know how the coffee
Cognostic's picture
@ShalabhSingh: "It's obvious
Shalabh1410's picture
@cog I know the belief is not
Tin-Man's picture
Re: Shalabh: Paragraph of -
Shalabh1410's picture
I noticed now .. hmm it feels
Tin-Man's picture
@Shalabh Re: "I noticed now
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ TM
Cognostic's picture
@Shalabh Singh: NO! "If
Cognostic's picture
@Shalabh Singh: If you are
Shalabh1410's picture
I haven't made any claim that
Randomhero1982's picture
I haven't made any claim that


Attach Image/Video?: 

Shalabh1410's picture
I haven't claimed anything
TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
Burden of proof.
Shalabh1410's picture
I haven't made any claim so I
TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
I did not claim that you did.
Shalabh1410's picture
What claim are you talking
Cognostic's picture
RE: You claimed the
Nyarlathotep's picture
@Shalabh Singh
Shalabh1410's picture
@nyar it's tangible
Nyarlathotep's picture
Shalabh Singh - nyar it's
Shalabh1410's picture
@nyar example: you can
Nyarlathotep's picture
Shalabh Singh - ...you can
Shalabh1410's picture
Leave it that was nonsense. I
Shalabh1410's picture
I am sorry it's not specific
Cognostic's picture
Shalabh1410's picture
Atheism means lack of belief


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