Against lies of Christianity and Orthodox Christianity

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fdtwain's picture
Against lies of Christianity and Orthodox Christianity

[I just assumed this one was racist and deleted it as well, tldr - Nyarlathotep]

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Cognostic's picture
I give this rant 6 hours
Tin-Man's picture
No offense, but I got about

No offense, but I got about two paragraphs in..... and my brain locked up..... *looking around room*.... Hey! Anybody seen my oil can?!?.... *hitting side of head with palm of hand trying to unwedge gears*....

arakish's picture
@ Tin-Man

@ Tin-Man

***tree shambles out of the forest, hands over an oil can***

Aren't you glad you gave me all those spares for safe keeping?

***tree shambles back to forest***


Old man shouts at clouds's picture
What another stupid arse post
rat spit's picture
He’s right. About everything.
arakish's picture
@ rat spit
rat spit's picture
I will converge with the
rat spit's picture
The OverLord doesn’t want to
arakish's picture
rat spit: "The OverLord doesn
rat spit's picture
Why on earth would I do that.
arakish's picture

This should help. If not, I'll answer any other questions you may have.

In the "talking" to yourself, I was using sarcastic humor to refer to the fact that you have actually replied to your own post. Thus, in a way, you were talking to yourself. ;-)


Grinseed's picture
**bird head up in surprise,
arakish's picture
@ Grinseed
CyberLN's picture
Arakish, every time I see
arakish's picture
CyberLN, actually me eyes are
Grinseed's picture
This is what happens when you
Cognostic's picture
Shit! Much more of this and
arakish's picture
@ Grinseed
algebe's picture
@FDTwerp: When I was a baby,

@FDTwerp: When I was a baby, Orthodox Christians poured cold water upon me

Oh poor baby. Was that 5 years ago or 6?

When that happened to me, the shock of the cold water on my head caused me to fart long and loud in the font. And that's what I think of Christianity.

arakish's picture
Hey, Nyarlathotep.

Hey, Nyarlathotep.

I think we need another Disagree Agree voting post.


Nyarlathotep's picture
arakish - I think we need
arakish's picture
Are you telling me you are
Nyarlathotep's picture
Yeh, I saw a reference to
Cognostic's picture
Ha ha ha ha ha .......
CyberLN's picture
Glad it was the middle of my
Bad Santa's picture
Shit!!! I've missed all the
Nyarlathotep's picture
The jest of it (at least what
Cognostic's picture
Nyarlathotep: You have an
leonelstanly's picture
Have you ever seen someone

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