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Triumph's picture
algebe's picture
@Triumph: "WHY(almost all)
Triumph's picture
Algebe--In this forum every
Flamenca's picture
@Triumph, I didn't answer if
Triumph's picture
Fkamemcabot- NO NO==Of course
Flamenca's picture
I can't believe you thought
Sheldon's picture
" Even to the threat of
Triumph's picture
Sheldon-YOU DON;T GET IT, My
Aposteriori unum's picture
Shut up and make an argument
Tin-Man's picture
Re: Triumph/Kenny
Triumph's picture
Aposteriori---Unum---I only
Sushisnake's picture
Aposteriori unum's picture
Sheldon's picture
Now that's a well reasoned,
Sheldon's picture
I don't think your grasp of
Sheldon's picture
"Aposteriori---Unum---I only
Sheldon's picture
>>The error was in your
algebe's picture
Sheldon's picture
"OK. You obviously don't know
mickron88's picture
one thing's for sure. people
algebe's picture
Qu@si: "people don't vote for
Sushisnake's picture
And Australia did in 2010 -
Sheldon's picture
"one thing's for sure. people
Sushisnake's picture
MakPo's picture


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