Allah is ENERGY

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arakish's picture
matheist: "What's so funny
dogalmighty's picture
"Therefore, what's wrong when
Matheist's picture
You're saying Energy does not
dogalmighty's picture
"You're saying Energy does
Randomhero1982's picture
There is probably hundreds on
Matheist's picture
Energy is "1"
Randomhero1982's picture
Because Energy is the force
dogalmighty's picture
"We believe in what has been
dogalmighty's picture
The argument is best
Matheist's picture
@doG "The argument is best
dogalmighty's picture
"We already make the claim
David Killens's picture
Matheist, do you understand
dogalmighty's picture
When you are deluded and can
Matheist's picture
1. Please prove Energy does
dogalmighty's picture
Fail...Allah ha ha ha ha ha
David Killens's picture
You are missing the main
Matheist's picture
@David Killens "Prove that
David Killens's picture
Matheist's picture
Already did.
David Killens's picture
Then you have failed to prove
Randomhero1982's picture
1. Can you objectively
Matheist's picture
Your only argument is it is
arakish's picture
matheist: "Bigotry issue and
Matheist's picture
atheism. n. disbelief or lack
dogalmighty's picture
Fail...Allah ha ha ha ha ha
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Mateheist
Randomhero1982's picture
This made me happy! Lol
LostLocke's picture
I'll just leave this here....
Matheist's picture
You are religious and have a
dogalmighty's picture
You are an idiot, and have no


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