Allah is ENERGY

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Cognostic's picture
And religion has Matheist;
Cognostic's picture
Matheist: Why is Matheist an
Matheist's picture
Matheism is ANIMISM.
Cognostic's picture
How much longer before he is
David Killens's picture
I agree Cognostic. It no
Matheist's picture
This is Christian Animism
Cognostic's picture
The Quaran? Ah... You mean
Matheist's picture
Truth has no religion, so
Cognostic's picture
We have done this before.
Randomhero1982's picture
Let's see if he can see how
Matheist's picture
That is an issue for you?


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Randomhero1982's picture
I've explained this to you
Matheist's picture
#1. Energy does exist, no


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Randomhero1982's picture
Please tell me that this is
Matheist's picture
#I've already told you, in
Randomhero1982's picture
Firstly as Nyar said, energy
David Killens's picture
Ahh, fond memories of Barbara
Matheist's picture
Allah is the Light of


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David Killens's picture
"He made all the light same
Cognostic's picture
Matheist now has seven pages
David Killens's picture
Borderline spamming
Randomhero1982's picture
Agreed, this is now
Matheist's picture
It is you with your religious
comoke1024's picture
@Matheist, It is you who need
Matheist's picture
There is no such thing...
comoke1024's picture
Matheist's picture
Are you going to show the
comoke1024's picture
I have no reason to believe
Randomhero1982's picture
Matheist's picture
Read first post


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