Allah is ENERGY

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Matheist's picture
That's religious. Try Logic.
toto974's picture
Matheist's picture
The argument for this thread
toto974's picture
No insults from my part. You
Nyarlathotep's picture
Matheist - The argument for
David Killens's picture
terraphon's picture
No counter-argument is
Matheist's picture
Here is the issue:
CyberLN's picture
Matheist, you wrote, “So
Randomhero1982's picture
. 1. Energy exists.
Matheist's picture
That is argumentum ad lapidem
Randomhero1982's picture
You think its absurd?
Matheist's picture
That is delusional... the
David Killens's picture
"Failing to realise the all
Matheist's picture
Then the issue will be:
arakish's picture
matheist: "Which of you is
Randomhero1982's picture
Errr... the one who believes
Matheist's picture
The life of the world is but
David Killens's picture
What me worry (Elbert E
Matheist's picture
That is delusional since it
David Killens's picture
Not at all. I am quoting from
CyberLN's picture
“What me worry (Elbert E
Randomhero1982's picture
I'll refer to biology rather
Matheist's picture
You can refer to anything but
David Killens's picture
Matheist, you have not even
Matheist's picture
I'm proving Allah by making
dogalmighty's picture
LOL...You are using the quran
David Killens's picture
At one time the singularity
Randomhero1982's picture
Yeah have to laugh at someone
David Killens's picture
That is what he has been


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