Amazonian tubers - latest threat to the sanctity of the Eucharist

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Fleeing in Terror's picture
Amazonian tubers - latest threat to the sanctity of the Eucharist

I monitor the conservative Catholic websites as well. This just in:

Not only did someone ordain this nut job, they made him a monsignor & let him publish. . Msgr. Pope is in a panic that allowing impoverished indigenous peoples to use their native tubers instead of importing expensive exotic foods is going to be the downfall of the Eucharist. Plenty of Indo-Europeans with millennia of wheat in their diets have issues with gluten intolerance. Besides the colonialism aspects, I can image the effect on the gastrointestinal systems of an isolated native population. I guess he believes vomiting & diarrhea are ESSENTIAL to the Eucharistic experience.

In the midst of the effects of the pedophile crisis, he is obsessed with tropical tubers? I told him what I told the dubias, and the poops, what difference does what the Eucharist is made of make when they are all ADAMENT that it is NOTHING more than a symbol of the sanctity of their penises? Francis even paraphrased me. How bout that – I is a Dr. of Theology.

The Msgr. wrote back and called me a ding dong.

I guess that is appropriate for someone who pickets their own local parish.

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