Anyone willing to dialogue with a Christian about their atheism?

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StanRoofner's picture
jamiebgood1's picture
Take your time christfollower
mykcob4's picture
Questions for Christfollower.
StanRoofner's picture
How did I miss this! Sorry
Andrea Sokolovskyi's picture
Hello ChristFollower
Comorv's picture
Hello mr ChristFollower,
jamiebgood1's picture
Comorv's picture
Hello Jamie, I disagree with
jamiebgood1's picture
Interesting. Never heard of
Comorv's picture
Oh, I have no problem either,
BarynB's picture
Hello ChristFollower,
BarynB's picture
Here's a description of
Usagi's picture
Oh bloody Christ on a cracker
StanRoofner's picture
I fail to see how my
xenoview's picture
StanRoofner's picture
I'm willing to take things a
xenoview's picture
I think it is a good way to
BarynB's picture
From ChristFollower: "the
SBMontero's picture
@Usagi: I'm sorry, but that's
Usagi's picture
@ SBMontero- What are you
SBMontero's picture
@Usagi: Because "oh well
Usagi's picture
@SBMontero- Dude that is
Usagi's picture
@ Christflollower- Hello mate
StanRoofner's picture
So then you believe that
mykcob4's picture
So Christfollower, you are
StanRoofner's picture
I responded to your earlier
Tom De Greyt's picture
"He just happens to be the
StanRoofner's picture
I do believe that God
Tom De Greyt's picture
What is human reality vs. all
MCDennis's picture
Simple. There is no proof


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