Apparent Proof of the soul: updated link

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pork232's picture
Apparent Proof of the soul: updated link

I found a new OBE which sounds very compelling. Apparently this man was able to identify targets during his OBE:

Do you believe this demonstrates souls? I am not saying I do, I just want your input. While if it were true it would sound compelling, I find it strange that they have not published it scientifically, and although they claim the experiment was double blind, we don't know what that means. We don't know which parameters were put in place during this supposed 10 year experiment.

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MCDennis's picture
Same post same question...
pork232's picture
just asking your views, if
MCDennis's picture
You were serious??? Really?
SBMontero's picture
Really? Now you put a link to
LogicFTW's picture
It should be pretty simple to

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