Archaeological Findings

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Anonymous's picture
Kilauea. (big exhale) I
arakish's picture
Yeah, only one. Don't really
Anonymous's picture
I'm done with this subject.
Cognostic's picture
This has been around for
Spudnik510's picture
please no un helpful comments
Anonymous's picture
No "unhelpful comments"? Are
Anonymous's picture
Hi, Spudnik,
watchman's picture
@Spud …..
Anonymous's picture
I don't get it, either. Why
Spudnik510's picture
im not looking for evidence
Anonymous's picture
I'm really trying to
Spudnik510's picture
Ok i will put it as simple as
Randomhero1982's picture
Just reading the OP and it
Anonymous's picture
IMO, this OP is not asking
David Killens's picture
My inquiries would begin by
arakish's picture
@ David
Anonymous's picture
Those aren't volcanoes.
Spudnik510's picture
Hi is it possible that a
Spudnik510's picture
i ask this because the rocks
arakish's picture
Yes. Look at the western US.
LogicFTW's picture
I always had an interest in
Sapporo's picture
Phenomena can never be used
arakish's picture
Sapporo: "Phenomena can never


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