Are we born good or evil???

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bigbill's picture
Nyarlathotep what makes you
Nyarlathotep's picture
Gospel of Matthew - 80-90 CE
bigbill's picture
nyarlathotep just saying
Nyarlathotep's picture
science follower - just
bigbill's picture
don`t you have a explanation
Nyarlathotep's picture
science follower - don`t you
bigbill's picture
well I totally disagree jesus
Nyarlathotep's picture
science follower - well I
bigbill's picture
Nyarlathiotep if Christianity
Nyarlathotep's picture
science follower - So no
bigbill's picture
there cannot be a
Nyarlathotep's picture
Still waiting for your
Amber Horner's picture
Exodus 24-45 24.8, "and
algebe's picture
@Science follower: "jesus is
bigbill's picture
In Islam that is true but
algebe's picture
@Science follower:
bigbill's picture
yeah and what century did the
algebe's picture
How about Rwanda. Is that
Amber Horner's picture
or Hitler incarnate???? LMAO
Sky Pilot's picture
science follower,
Amber Horner's picture
Amber Horner's picture
Oh boy do you and them have a
Sky Pilot's picture
science follower,
Amber Horner's picture
@ Devout,
LogicFTW's picture
Always makes me smile when a
Amber Horner's picture
@logic: um...he has proven
Sky Pilot's picture
science follower,
Amber Horner's picture
@ Science
algebe's picture
@Science Follower "Just look
bigbill's picture
Jesus on the cross said that


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