Are we born good or evil???

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Nyarlathotep's picture
There isn't a single
algebe's picture
@science follower: "Could you
bigbill's picture
yes that is a reality in the
mykcob4's picture
@science follower
algebe's picture
@Science follower: "that's
bigbill's picture
Why are you adding all of
algebe's picture
@Science Follower: "you sound
bigbill's picture
Also they didn`t break Jesus
mykcob4's picture
Bullshit pseudo-science
algebe's picture
Bullshit is real. You can
algebe's picture
@Science Follower: "they didn
bigbill's picture
algebe the roman soldiers
algebe's picture
@Science follower: "you only
bigbill's picture
I was in the world with the
algebe's picture
@Science follower: "I was in
Sky Pilot's picture
science follower,
Sky Pilot's picture
science follower,
Amber Horner's picture
@ Devout,
Amber Horner's picture
Um: @ simply, are you now
xenoview's picture
science follower
Hovitose's picture
I thought this was a site for
algebe's picture
@Steve: "I thought this was a
Hovitose's picture
Good to 'meet' you too.
mykcob4's picture
Just a note. Crucifixion was
algebe's picture
@Mykcob4: "Romans NEVER
Daniel's picture
Its unfortunate that this
Amber Horner's picture
@ freefrom god:
chimp3's picture
Genetics: Psychopaths born
LogicFTW's picture
If "god" ever wanted to prove
bigbill's picture
why don`t you believe in the


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