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You seem to be posting a
mickron88's picture


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Sheldon's picture
Glacier's picture
Flamenca wrote: "when an
Sapporo's picture
Flamenca's picture
@Glacier: I used the word
Glacier's picture
Fair enough, In his Book
Flamenca's picture
@Glacier, I'm fine with that
Cognostic's picture
@ Why are you wasting your
Someone's picture
Cognostic's picture
@To know something means you
Someone's picture
Sheldon's picture
You've been told repeatedly,
Someone's picture
You seem to be ignorant that
Someone's picture
You seem to be ignorant that
Cognostic's picture
@ You seem to be ignorant
Someone's picture
I assume you were replying to
Sheldon's picture
"You seem to be ignorant that
Cognostic's picture
I'm bored of this chicken egg
Someone's picture
Sheldon's picture
Your game of mendacious
Cognostic's picture
Based on the best knowledge
Someone's picture
I assume you are replying to
Sheldon's picture
Atheism doesn't require a
Someone's picture
As you well know I have
Sheldon's picture
"As you well know I have
Cognostic's picture
Sheldon, you take over. I
Someone's picture
Well my last post to you was
Sheldon's picture
"And you had repeatedly
Someone's picture
So just quote from one of


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