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Sheldon's picture
"I supplied the evidence in
Someone's picture
Well consider the statements
Sheldon's picture
Already answered this.
Someone's picture
You have not answered whether
Sheldon's picture
" You have not indicated
Someone's picture
Sheldon's picture
I answered, as everyone can
Someone's picture
@ Sheldon
Sheldon's picture
Do you usually get a bite
Someone's picture
Sheldon's picture
You dodged my question...
Someone's picture
I did not dodge it, I dealt
Sheldon's picture
I wasn't asking you about
Someone's picture
I pointed out the problem.
arakish's picture
How about I jump in and give
Sheldon's picture
Special would be Someone who
arakish's picture
Hey Someone, do you happen to
Sheldon's picture
I had the exact same thought,
Sapporo's picture
Consider these two belief
Someone's picture
Sapporo's picture
@Someone has changed:
arakish's picture
@ Someone
Someone's picture
Sheldon's picture
So far from your answers you
arakish's picture
Someone's picture
Sheldon's picture
Actually knowledge is facts,
Someone's picture
Seriously you think that I
Sapporo's picture
Lacking a belief that gods
Sheldon's picture
"Lacking a belief that gods


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