Atheistic Bias & It's Angry Troll Cousin

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Apple Pi's picture
Indeed we shall.
algebe's picture
chimp3's picture
Thanks MasterBlaster! I
Masterblaster21's picture
Masterblaster21's picture
@Algebe Haha...good one!
Apple Pi's picture
Perhaps the most important
algebe's picture
Apple Pi's picture
Perhaps I spoke to the wrong
Masterblaster21's picture
Well, I can tell you along
algebe's picture
It sounds like you've tried
Masterblaster21's picture
Lol, perhaps, and don't think
algebe's picture
"Ok, it's official, "phase
Masterblaster21's picture
Not Horse feathers, nor Angel
Sir Random's picture
" nothing but the truth so
Masterblaster21's picture
I just meant that I will be
Sir Random's picture
"As opposed to taking a more
Dave Matson's picture
Sir Random's picture
And using an old book to try
Nyarlathotep's picture
Masterblaster21 - "honestly
algebe's picture
And why do churches have
Masterblaster21's picture
I struggle as a Christian
Nyarlathotep's picture
You said you would give us an
Masterblaster21's picture
I was being honest, but
Sir Random's picture
I've never seen someone
Stu. K.'s picture
"What are you babbling about?
Masterblaster21's picture
Interesting that North Korea
Sir Random's picture
Once atheism reigns supreme,
algebe's picture
North Korea is not an atheist
Masterblaster21's picture
North Korea IS officially an
Sir Random's picture
The Wikipedia page for the


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