Atheists - answer this: Why Not God / Creator?

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eddiem3's picture
Atheists - answer this: Why Not God / Creator?

It's a simple question; Why not God or a Creator? Why are you an Athiest when the overwhelming evidence (for our existence) points to a Creator / Designer / God?

Strictly speaking in scientific way/terms and not in any doctrinal/philosophical terms, why do you not accept the existence of an Eternal Creator / God?

For instance, since it's an established, proven and an accepted scientific fact that life can only come from life, why then accept the opposite - spontaneous generation?

I don't get it.

BTW, to be clear:

I don't believe nor accept many of Christendom's doctrinal/philosophical teachings - such us:
hell or hellfire (no such place)
immortal soul/spirit (no such thing)
6000-year-old earth (evidence show 4b)
Jesus as God (he is the Son of God)

As a Christian, I accept and believe the Bible as the ONLY WRITTEN Word of / from God.
God has a personal name - known to us as Yehovah/Jehovah/Yahweh. He is Eternal/Uncreated.


- go easy, my first post -

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algebe's picture
@Eddiem: Welcome to the forum
eddiem3's picture
criticism is part of the deal
algebe's picture
@Eddiem3: Life from life is
Sheldon's picture
"I'm a Christian is a sense
Cognostic's picture
@eddiem3 "Why not God
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Eddiem
eddiem3's picture
As serious Bible researcher
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Eddiem
Sapporo's picture
Cognostic's picture
@eddiem3: As is not possible
eddiem3's picture
Hi Cognostic, thanks for the
Sapporo's picture
eddiem3's picture
Sapporo's picture
Jared Alesi's picture
It's not philosophical. It's
Cognostic's picture
@eddiem3 "ut unfortunately
eddiem3's picture
Dave Matson's picture
Sapporo's picture
eddiem3's picture
Sapporo's picture
I don't see "life" as being
chimp3's picture
@eddiem: Welcome!
Ramo Mpq's picture
Can you prove how the life
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Man in search o...
Tin-Man's picture
@Man in search Re: "Can
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ TM
mickron88's picture
ALL HAIL the cosmic bunnies..
Sapporo's picture
If only life can come from
Ramo Mpq's picture
Thank you for your reply
David Killens's picture
"Which ultimately goes back


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