Atheists - answer this: Why Not God / Creator?

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Ramo Mpq's picture
I can give you a long and

I can give you a long and drawn out definition of god but in short, its that he is eternal, has no beginning and no end. Allah powerful creator that was not created.

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Man In Search

@ Man In Search

"I can give you a long and"

Well give it your best shot. then answer the rest of my question

Your proof of that claim?

Tin-Man's picture
@Man in search of.... Re: ".

@Man in search of.... Re: "...its that he is eternal, has no beginning and no end. Allah powerful creator that was not created."

Wow! What a coincidence! My Cosmic Bunnies are also eternal and were not created! How awesome! Yeah, they've been going at it like -.... well...- like rabbits even before there was ever a universe. (And also pooping everywhere, obviously.) Hey, maybe your god has run across them from time to time? Oh, maybe they even worked together to create everything. Exciting stuff to think about.

arakish's picture


I found the creators of your bunnies. I mean, these guys play marbles with entire universes.


Tin-Man's picture
@Arakish Re: Bunny creators

@Arakish Re: Bunny creators

Those guys?... Nah. They are just the fleas on the backs of the bunnies. Nice try, though.

mickron88's picture
@Man in search of

@Man in search of

FYI. our planet pooping bunny is also the one who pooped your god...thats why he's created from our bunnies asshole..

if your allah doesn't accept our bunny then he's an atheist too. am i right T-man? or am i right? im serious..we are

so that's it..don't mention it..your welcome..

Tin-Man's picture


Well, you are partially right. The bunnies poop planets, remember? The gods the bunnies create are actually hair-balls coughed up by the bunnies. Go study your Divine Bunny Scriptures a bit more, please.

mickron88's picture
so allah was covered with

so allah was covered with hair-balls then grew up as atheist....hhmm...

let me check here on the scripture...oh it is...


01. for the gods are all came from one creator. "the bunny" 02: and they are all covered with furr-balls when they came out of the bunnies asshole.

so thats where the 3000 gods came from.
and look this scripture was written 1 billion years ago..this is legit (*tantalizing eyes*) amazing
so christian god is an atheist too...fuck i knew it T-man i knew it

Tin-Man's picture
@Q Re: "...all covered with

@Q Re: "...all covered with furr-balls when they came out of the bunnies asshole."

No, no. Not out of the asshole. Out of the throat/mouth. Honest mistake, though, as the words for mouth and asshole are very similar in the Divine Scriptures. The easiest way to keep from getting them confused is to use the context of the passage and look for either coughing/spitting (indicating mouth/throat), or pooping (indicating asshole).

Don't worry, though. Just takes a little time to learn how to properly interpret the Divine Bunny Scriptures. You'll get the hang of it soon enough.

David Killens's picture
Special pleading does not

Special pleading does not work in here. You stated that only life can create life. Therefore, how did god come to be?

Jared Alesi's picture
The assertion that something

The assertion that something couldn't happen by chance is ALWAYS incorrect, because that's a direct contradiction to what 'chance' is.

Ramo Mpq's picture
I don't know the exact

I don't know the exact mathematical odds but, the odds of our bodies alone function the way they are some crazy 10 to the 168th power. There are different sources that have different numbers but, the point is if the chances are that high for a single human what do you think odds for humanity, animals and the entire universe to be so perfectly aligned and in tune? If you choose to believe that something pretty much impossible can happen then that is your choice, i choose to believe that there is a god at work to make all of this happen

David Killens's picture
Are you aware that over 99%

Are you aware that over 99% of all species that have inhabited this planet are extinct? That is how natural selection works, you live or die. And from this process that was trial and error (with many errors) over hundreds of millions of years, organic evolution wound it's slow path towards more complex and successful species.

And please provide proof and a source for your "10 to the 168th power". Are you referring to the Drake equation?

Ramo Mpq's picture
Srry i was wrong its 10 to

Srry i was wrong its 10 to the 164th power, and that's only the Probability of a Single Protein Forming by Chance

David Killens's picture
That sounds realistic and

That sounds realistic and plausible. After the Earth was formed, it was a chemical soup that was bombarded by high energy for hundreds of millions of years. That is a heck of a lot of time, and a heck of a lot of opportunities fro eventually one proper combination forming. There was not one opportunity per day, there were trillions of opportunities each day.

Is the time span and countless opportunities seem overwhelming? IMO you are arguing an argument from incredulity.

LogicFTW's picture
@Man in Search of Truth.

@Man in Search of Truth.
Do you have any idea how big 10^164 is?
How many atoms are in your body?

7*10^27 atoms (that's a 7 followed by 27 zeros!) Another way of saying this is "seven billion billion billion."

How about the entire earth? 10^50

How many atoms in the known universe? About 10^80

So going from all the atoms in average human body to the entire universe too that raised by power from 27, to 80, or 53 more zeros, now you are saying some odds goes from 53 to 164 zeros? Such a great disparity that all the atoms in all of the known universe is inconsequential in comparison? All the atoms in the known universe is like a single grain of sand, on the largest beach you could possibly imagine in comparison? (Except it is really far far far greater than that, but just for illustrative purposes of numbers we can possibly hope to understand the inconsequeintal nature of all the atoms in the know universe compared to that number?)

10^164 is a garbage number, a number so big it has zero meaning. No useful information in any way could be garnered from a number so large.

Humans can not even comprehend 1 billion very well, we know the number theoretically, but breaking it down to a number we can understand becomes difficult. Think about how many shits you have taken in the last 10 years. Now imagine getting paid at least 100k for each shit you taken in the last 10 years. Based on roughly 2.65 shits a day (some days you had diarrhea and really cashed in!) In those 10 years you made yourself a billion. 10^9

Now think about how much shit your 10^164 number is. Yeah it is a lot of shit.

Dave Matson's picture
Man in search o...

Man in search o...

Such calculations are worthless because they are based on garbage assumptions. It's kind of like a computer. Garbage in, garbage out! These models make unrealistic assumptions about what is actually going on. Creationists love them! Throw a bucket of sand on the table and ask yourself what the odds are that all those sand grains would wind up in their particular places with their particular rotations. Did you get really, really, really lucky?

Jared Alesi's picture
He's not referring to

He's not referring to anything; he's a pretend intellectual with pretend knowledge, just like so many others. We're playing chess with pigeons here, David. No matter how good you are at chess, the pigeon will knock over the pieces, shite on the board, and strut like it's victorious.

Dave Matson's picture
Jared Alesi,

Jared Alesi,

Nice analogy! Love it!

Jared Alesi's picture
You're assuming undue

You're assuming undue significance in the outcome. If something was slightly different, the outcome would be different, but no matter the results the outcome is what it is. If we breathed Xenon, you'd still make the argument that life couldn't exist if things were slightly different.

Let me put it this way: the odds of rolling six dice and landing all sixes is about 1/7775. But those odds are identical for any other roll. Just because this is the roll we got doesn't mean it's significant in any way.

Also, consider the plethora of dead planets. There are some trillions of stars in the observable universe, each with possibly tens of planets, with possibly hundreds of moons. Given how many celestial bodies we can observe with no signs of intelligence, it very well might be that our slim chance at existence is inconsequential, since so many other candidates didn't make the cut. If one in a million odds are tested a million times, you should expect a hit.

arakish's picture
Man in search: ...what do you

Man in search: ...what do you think odds for humanity, animals and the entire universe to be so perfectly aligned and in tune?



Tin-Man's picture
@Jared Re: "The assertion

@Jared Re: "The assertion that something couldn't happen by chance is ALWAYS incorrect..."

Exactly. If something is here, or if something happened, then it obviously DID happen.

Speaking of chance, if I roll a set of dice, and it comes up as a total of "3", then there was a CHANCE it could do that. So, my rolling a "3" happened by CHANCE. There was also a CHANCE it could have been a number of different totals in various combinations. And yet there is always a CHANCE I could roll any one of those combinations at any time. Isn't gambling fun?

Ramo Mpq's picture
That's like me saying if you

That's like me saying if you jumped off a building there's a chance you could fly or you could fall to your death. Science and logic tells us that you will 100% for a fact fall to your death and die. Just because you haven't tested it does not mean there's a chance you will fly. Same way science can't test is something can come from nothing because you cant test nothing. Just because people say science cant test nothing therefore we cant know for sure is an extremely irrational and illogical way of thinking.

Jared Alesi's picture
Your comparison is horse shit

Your comparison is horse shit because you're assuming equal probability for an impossible outcome as opposed to a possible one. We know that self replication is possible, because we've done it in a lab. Jumping off a cliff and hoping to fly is an impossibility. Nobody is saying you have a chance to fly. If you roll a fair, six sided die, you have no chance of rolling a seven.

Ramo Mpq's picture
How can you say 100% you know

How can you say 100% you know you wont fly? Have you tried it? I thought everything is possible. There's a chance that you could fly, you cant say 100% for a fact you wont until you have tried it. Be consistent with your own logical.

Tin-Man's picture
@Man in search.... Re: "How

@Man in search.... Re: "How can you say 100% you know you wont fly?"

I have jumped out of many airplanes hundreds of times. Guess what? I have fallen toward the earth every.... single... time. Have been swimming in many different places from pools to rivers to lakes. Jumped off many, many diving boards, cliffs, and bridges. And I have fallen to the water and gone "SPLASH!" every.... single..... time. (No matter how hard I flapped my arms.)

Jared Alesi's picture
No, that's not my logic at

No, that's not my logic at all. It's an egregious straw man made by someone without an actual argument. We know for a fact that I would fall because the bounds of physics still apply. Without some mechanical aid, I would be unable to fly. The laws of physics don't just change.

We know that life can come from nonlife. Geneticists do it in the lab. We don't know how exactly it happened in nature, but we know it's possible. Human flight without mechanical aid is impossible. Why you can't seem to get that is beyond me.I

Do everyone a favor and actually try to understand things. Your argument isn't new, you didn't come up with it, and you won't take any thoughtful criticism of it to heart. You're pushing old hat crap that barely passes for intellectual in the lowest of circles. You and everyone like you are just wasting everyone's time with your nonsensical crap.

Tin-Man's picture
@Jared Re: "No, that's not

@Jared Re: "No, that's not my logic at all."

Oh, don't worry. I know. I actually know exactly what you are explaining.

I was only demonstrating to the guy I have actually tried unaided flying before. Shit just don't work. But he seemed to have a strange hang-up about it for some reason. *chuckle*

LogicFTW's picture
@Man in search of truth:

@Man in search of truth:

I guess it depends on your definition of flying. For a person to jump off a roof and suddenly sprout the wings, and muscle and energy required to be able to flap the wings and fly much like a bird? Yeah the odds of that are so low its dumb to talk about it.

The odds that someone jumped off a certain cliff, at a certain time and they do not fall to their death but "flew" upwards? Well if someone picked the correct cliff, and their was a General electric GE9x jet engine sitting 40 feet below in a narrow cliff designed to funnel that wind energy upwards, someone could jump off and "fly" back up to where they jumped off, buffeted by the tremendous force of that jet engine blowing around air with probably close to 100% success rate. But we are all smart enough to realize that is not some miracle of flight, but simply engineering.

Tin-Man's picture
@Man in search of... Re:

@Man in search of... Re: "How does someone explain the entire universe and everything in it and around it?"

My Cosmic Bunnies are just as valid a reason as your god, I suppose. And, besides, bunnies are so cute and cuddly. How could anybody NOT love bunnies?


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