Basic conversation about atheism

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xenoview's picture
Welcome to AR Vince!
LogicFTW's picture
The peacock does not lay eggs
vincegrabo's picture
Chickens evolved from another
AJ777's picture
Some of the comments on this
Sapporo's picture
AJ777: Some of the comments
CyberLN's picture
AJ777, some folks designated
turning_left's picture
Tin-Man's picture
gupsphoo's picture
Cognostic's picture
Where in the hell did you get
SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
Hi Vince, it might help you
vincegrabo's picture
"If there was no creation,
SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
You're right, but that was
vincegrabo's picture
The first chicken hatched
SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
I didn't think I had to
vincegrabo's picture
So you have seen a fossil
sujandinesh22's picture
If there was no creation,
vincegrabo's picture
Funny. Got a point?
sujandinesh22's picture
Oh boy, I will break it down
vincegrabo's picture
You just made that up.
Tin-Man's picture
@Vince Re: "I have asked
vincegrabo's picture
Nice evasion.
vincegrabo's picture
My questions are for atheists
sujandinesh22's picture
You asked for my point. That
vincegrabo's picture
I'm here to debate? Yeah,
Cognostic's picture
Hi Vince:
HAL9000.'s picture
Atheism and Evolution are
Cognostic's picture
Holy Shit - This is the
HAL9000.'s picture
You're saying that we as a
toto974's picture
Are you sure we are not


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