in between religion and atheism

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Sara H ALsharif's picture
in between religion and atheism

i have heard once someone said that religious people are the reason why atheism exist
because they school you and make you feel unrelated to them ..

not saying that im atheist or not .. not saying you need to choose a religion ..
to people how prove there believes by science .. scientist are people .. may be years from now a new scientist would prove them wrong .. that wouldn't be the first time
dont say the big bang is the truth.. you cant believe in something the scientist say while they go to church every sunday

we have millions of colors .. it exist ..what if i tell you create one more color that we dont have
why the limits .. why our minds cant create things that wasn't inserted in it ..we are like a robot but balanced and waaay intelligent

i love "the hunger game" after watching it i felt mixed emotions .. its a great movie it has director writer .. it didn't exist on its own
.. i wanna live in this movie .. call me crazy

and what if the huger game was about a perfect family and a perfect world?? whatever perfect means to you .. still it would be kind of lame

we are like movies in some ways .. we have people who fight .. kill .. some of us steal .. we loose loved once , some live happily in married in some degree and some get divorced .. that whats good movies have
not perfect families and lame things that i dont want to live in

that is why i believe there is a god .. i dont have to choose a religion that i dont feel like i fit in it because of religious people schooling me or pushing me off of it.
i actually have a religion .. but what made me write what i wrote because i think the most important thing is to see the world from different point and not forcing a religion on you .. you can just believe in a creator but not a religion
if you dont think you are like a robot you have a knowledge base
like what if i tell you to create a creature in your mind that dont have anything that this world have.. be creative .. it is kind of impossible
you can say this creature made of leather, steel, or air .. still these things exists in this world.. what if you said they dont have to breath .. we have creatures in this world that dont breath .. give me things i dont know create them in your mind new material that they are made of ?? material i have never heard of ??

why you have a knowledge baase that is limited .. it is BIG but limited ? if you think you are not made to be a specific been with specific knowledge ? if we are made by accident why you cant expand your knowledge ?? create a color! .. create a material !
dont tell me dragons .. they have fire, leather, tail, face that have shapes we can create .. not a new shape that i cant draw
create something that i cant create expand your mind more than us cause you are not limited and not made

even aliens we imagine them in shapes that humans capable of imagining it .. there is no single person who said i can't see these shapes of this creature and their colors i have never see it before !

this world is magical .. take a walk appreciate everything .. we have good people and murderers .. that what makes us freaking big movie with an awesome creator .. sorry if this is cheesy to you but that is how i think and live

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Ellie Harris's picture
What did you intend to say?
Sara H ALsharif's picture
that you don't have to agree
Sara H ALsharif's picture
you can believe there is a
ex-christian_atheist's picture
1) Religion is defined as a
Mardze's picture
You're right, Sara but there
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
we are atheists and not
Sara H ALsharif's picture
yes i needed to say all of
Lmale's picture
My life has been torture i
Ellie Harris's picture
So Sara god has a reason for
Zaphod's picture
So Sara, all religion aside,
CyberLN's picture
Looking forward to reading

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