Bible contradictions

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ex-christian_atheist's picture
Bible contradictions

I used to be a Christian and only recently become an atheist after studying the Bible enough to notice the flaws. I believe the Bible in itself to be contradictory enough to prove itself wrong, and I enjoy discussing it with other people, especially Christians who disagree. I would really like to have a one on one debate with any Christian who thinks that they have a logical answer for the contradictions in the Bible.

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Zaphod's picture
Be prepared to meet some
Capt.Bobfm's picture
I am very glad that you have
ex-christian_atheist's picture
I don't think so. My life isn
CyberLN's picture
Hi Ex. You might be
SammyShazaam's picture
True that! I used to just
Freethinking_Humanist's picture
Ex-christian_atheist: I think
jordtame's picture
I m not sure about
ex-christian_atheist's picture
The Bible itself says that
Bruce Birkett's picture
Ex Christian I am also one (
sanjojones's picture
I wonder, when the earth was
BisexualAtheist's picture
I'm an ex-Christian also. I
Lmale's picture
My adopted mum found out by
mattyn's picture
Good point lmale! But isn't
mattyn's picture
Let me add to that. I meant
Lmale's picture
Yea but said contradictions
ex-christian_atheist's picture
That's what muslims and
ex-christian_atheist's picture
And again, that is what
Lmale's picture
He he my thought exactly.
ex-christian_atheist's picture
Well, I don't think he exists
ex-christian_atheist's picture
Right...I'll just ask him
Lmale's picture
Lmale's picture
Shes basically saying correct
ex-christian_atheist's picture
Would you like to share why
Lmale's picture
I should say they say
Aditya Kiran Bukkapatnam's picture
hahahaha lol...but i thought
Lmale's picture
I dont recall seeing a theist
Aditya Kiran Bukkapatnam's picture
ya and make no mistake..these
Lmale's picture
Yea but i cannot comment on
Mark Percival's picture
I like the Bible and consider
Lmale's picture
To get back to the original


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