Bible contradictions

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ex-christian_atheist's picture
I have seen that, and it is
Lmale's picture
Like i said not easily used
Jole Haley's picture
Lmale's picture
Cool just dont limit it to
matthjar's picture
Yeah the big difference
Spewer's picture
"The whole Idea of Salvation
matthjar's picture
Ohhh OHHH ... maybe i missed
matthjar's picture
I am am a exchristian.....
Skeptic NY's picture
Try not to get too frustrated
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Matthjar/Andrew, I do not
Zaphod's picture
Noooooo! I am now stuck with
SammyShazaam's picture
Love that song!
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"1/Yes the only information I
Polly Ticks's picture
Coming to this thread late,
Polly Ticks's picture
Sorry for the double posted
Lmale's picture
Isnt everything written by
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"Im thinking jesus was saying
SherryBomb's picture
I was a Christian at one
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
same here, but i had more
Lmale's picture
Thats tough being known as
Lmale's picture
Show me proof jeasus existed
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
gezz, your that far gone
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
the majority of scholars say's picture
What the majority of scholars
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"If you don't believe Darwin,
CyberLN's picture
The word scholar is a pretty's picture
No major doctrinal view is at's picture
My dear, harsh as it may
Nyarlathotep's picture
My dear, harsh as it may
ThePragmatic's picture
This is a text book example


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