Bible prophecy and occam's razor

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Ask21771's picture
Sapporo's picture
Ask21771: Hello?
Ask21771's picture
Your making assumptions
Sapporo's picture
Ask21771: Your making
Grinseed's picture
@ Sapporo, unless you are a
David Killens's picture
Unicorns are complicated too.
David Killens's picture
How many times has the bible
Grinseed's picture
For an agnostic you certainly
Grinseed's picture
And its not a matter of god
Meepwned's picture
Let's compare the assumptions
Nyarlathotep's picture
Maybe (skeptic side):
Stare's picture
The OP doesn't make any kind
Rivka's picture
I think Ask21771's a
Rivka's picture
Ask me your question (as I
Grinseed's picture
@ Ask21771, you asked
Armando Perez's picture
arakish's picture
@ Ask
jonthecatholic's picture
This reasoning is highly
arakish's picture
Hey JoC
jonthecatholic's picture
Oh! I didn't see that! I'll


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