Is the big bang and a supernova the same event?

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Drewcgs11's picture
Is the big bang and a supernova the same event?

The big bang and a supernova have extremely similar traits that i can not for the life of me see as different events.If the multiverse is true this would theoretically explain how it works and goes along with my last thread of something coming from nothing and always existing with different universal laws.

1.They are both explosions

2.I have heard from different scientist that we are made of star stuff and also big bang material.

3.theoretically that would mean the big bang is the beginning of a universe and the supernova is the end of the long lived star that is a duality (beginning and end)certain stars also turn into a black holes

4.this universe is expanding and black holes sucking in everthing in its path that is another duality (in and out).

5. Near the event horizion of a black hole time slows down a month there is like 5 years on earth which proves my different universal laws theory were time, sapce and gravity could work faster or slower or not exits at all.

6.nothing survives a black hole which theoretically would mean that we are not compatible with the universal laws of that universe(i think black hole are the portals to different universes aka multiverse).

7.i cant think of anything thing more powerful that could create a universe than a star they are are a witch pot cooking with different ingredients for billions of years and then blows up aka pregnant with a universe but instead of 9 months it takes billions of years to be born.

8.its ironic in how everybodys looking for this complex answer and i think its as simple as they big hot orange thing in the sky.

9. I think who ever made up the concept of hell was inspired buy the sun souls burning in a place thats full of fire for eternity (i think thats funny i never really put the peaces together on that until this year).

10.the fact that we dont know what inside of a black hole and the fact the we dont know how or why we exist in this universe is something they have in common.

the only thing i am skeptical about is there is more than one black hole in this universe how can we be going in and out at the same time and be expanding?the only explanation i came up with is were expanding at faster rates then we are giveing basically this muliverse concept would keep creating universes but it would have had to start from something that can always exist(like some form of god or dark matter) or something that can come from nothing like one of guys said was explained by Stephen i would like feed back and would like to know if there is anything holes in this theory.

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Drewcgs11's picture
My point is there are signs
the_believer's picture
Then the conclusion is yours
chimp3's picture
I see signs and facts that
mykcob4's picture
Nope according to 'Answers"
the_believer's picture
Andrecgs is not arguing the
mykcob4's picture
Wel,l they DID answer the op.
the_believer's picture
Fair enough.
Drewcgs11's picture
Exactly Reeves
Deforres's picture
A supernova is a type of
Deforres's picture
Correction: it's a stage in
Drewcgs11's picture
I left out one more important
the_believer's picture
You should write murder
Nyarlathotep's picture
Andrewcgs - "These are to
Deforres's picture
Nope. Do not pass go. Do not
Drewcgs11's picture
Nyarlathotep at the least
the_believer's picture
You've outlined commonalities
Nyarlathotep's picture
1.They are both explosions
Drewcgs11's picture
That makes sense Reeves
Drewcgs11's picture
Hydrogen is in star as well!
Nyarlathotep's picture
Andrewcgs - "Hydrogen is in
Drewcgs11's picture
The big bang is an expansion
Nyarlathotep's picture
So again, you have created
Deforres's picture
Andrewcgs, your dog does not
the_believer's picture
This all sounds like
Drewcgs11's picture
Its seems like i won't be on
chimp3's picture
Andrewcgs: " I think who ever
Drewcgs11's picture
This only strengthens my
Deforres's picture
You mean the childish games
Drewcgs11's picture
1 through 5 are absolutes
Deforres's picture
If you really believe you've


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