Buddhism - ' non-religion' religion & reality check on spoiled kid.

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Sheldon's picture
"Most people learn their
Fleeing in Terror's picture
reason and empathy, - You
CyberLN's picture
“Venerating the concept of
Tin-Man's picture
@MPO Re: "You are right,


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Sapporo's picture
@Mrs. Paul Owczarek
Fleeing in Terror's picture
The Christians have had a
LogicFTW's picture
Could be seen a different way
Nyarlathotep's picture
Sapporo - Religion invokes
Fleeing in Terror's picture
That's why I have been asking
algebe's picture
Buddhism has its own shameful
Fleeing in Terror's picture
Buddhism has its own shameful
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
I was into a form of Buddhism
Fleeing in Terror's picture
self improvement and
RANJEET's picture
well the miracles of Buddha
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
RANJEET's picture
well I know other buddhist
Fleeing in Terror's picture
I agree and the religious
RANJEET's picture
I'm only Atheist my parents
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Fleeing in Terror's picture
That would go along with the
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
RANJEET's picture
you are right but we can't
LogicFTW's picture
As I have said before, at
Fleeing in Terror's picture
I wouldn't mind the decline
Fleeing in Terror's picture
Do you include the NRA?


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