Calling All Cannibals

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David Killens's picture
More like playing the

More like playing the "sympathy" card. Should we inform Humble Thinker that it happened to everyone?

HumbleThinker's picture


Really? Did I ask for sympathy? Arakish quoted a post I made, and I simply acknowledged that it was deleted. AND to make the point that his spiteful comment that "you theists" attacked the site was a weird thing to say, like I had anything to do with it?

arakish's picture
@ Ain'tHumble&Can'tThink:

@ Ain'tHumble&Can'tThink: "AND to make the point that his spiteful comment that "you theists" attacked the site was a weird thing to say, like I had anything to do with it?"

Just being a theist yourself makes you an accomplice.


HumbleThinker's picture


Oh you caught that, did you? Just having a little fun trolling a troll.

Nyarlathotep's picture
HumbleThinker - Just having a

HumbleThinker - Just having a little fun trolling a troll.

Forum Guidelines - 1. No trolling


Since you have violated the forum rules, what do you think should be done about it?

HumbleThinker's picture


No worries, I’ll see myself out. Been a member on this site for a few months now, and the “dialogue” has been less than beneficial. Too bad, too, cause I really like talking about religion. But it is way more annoying and way less fun on this website. Not because you actually made me “think critically” about it, but because for such self proclaimed intellectuals you are really missing out on something important. Not sure what it is, but will have to look elsewhere for it. Peace to everyone, hope you figure out what is truly important. Forgive me for the negative comments I’ve made. I am not better than any of you. (See, I am truly humble ;) )

Tin-Man's picture
@Humble Thinker Re: "No

@Humble Thinker Re: "No worries, I’ll see myself out."

Here. Allow me to help.

Step 1. Tuck tail between legs.

Step 2. Run away in a cowardly fashion.

Step 3. Try to avoid having door hit you in the ass on the way out.

Step 4. Remove us from your Christmas card mailing list.

Cognostic's picture
@ HumbleThinker:

@ HumbleThinker:

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ...... The very thing you are looking for is ALL THE FACTS, EVIDENCE, EXAMPLES, LINKS TO ARTICLES, AND INFORMATION you were provided with and opted to ignore.

" Too bad, too, cause I really like talking about religion. " This is the problem. All you do is talk. No one gives a shit about talk. We spend our time researching, exploring, discovering facts. TALK IS CHEAP.

Not one person on this site is a self proclaimed intellectual. When any of us say anything as ignorant as the things you have said, we get treated exactly like you have been treated. We get called out on our bullshit. The difference between us and you is that we have the sense to hit the Internet, do a bit of research, and admit when we sound like idiots because of something we have said. I don not know an atheist on this form who has not misspoke, made an error, admitted that they had the wrong information or apologized for a post. We do not make blind contentions and then attempt to defend them with bullshit. All you are missing on this site is the bullshit you have gotten used to on other sites. You just don't like being fact-checked.


Only one reply to an idiotic statement like that..... Do I have to say it? F O !

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ HT

@ HT

Well, if you return make sure you actually know something about the origins of your "faith".
It is obvious your 'humbleness' is only exceeded by your ignorance.

Many people on this site devoted years of study to their specialist subjects that you rejected out of pure prejudice and an inability to accept the truth.

Should you return, ask questions, do your research before making yourself look an utter fool.

You have every reason to be humble.

Oh and the door is wide enough for your head....

arakish's picture
@ Ain'tHumble&Can'tThink: "…

@ Ain'tHumble&Can'tThink: "… your posts are too long …"

It is called "covering all the bases." Then you may too young to know that adage.

And I see you clicked Agree on your own post. LOL


Sheldon's picture
Ah the old theistic canard

Ah the old theistic canard that atheism is a faith, well it was only a matter of time, as this is standard rhetoric for the theist trolls who come here.

You still unsurprisingly have not demonstrated a shred of objective evidence for any deity? What can the problem be?

dogalmighty's picture
"What can the problem be?"

"What can the problem be?"


dogalmighty's picture
Is it time for Dead Baby

Is it time for Dead Baby jokes yet?

Cognostic's picture
What's the difference between

What's the difference between a truck load of bowling balls and a truck load of dead babies?
You can unload the babies with a pitch fork.

What's little and red and sits in the corner? A baby playing with razor blades.

What's little and blue and sits in the corner? The same baby 3 hours later.

What's little and green and sits in the corner? The same baby three weeks later.

What's little and black and sits in the corner? The same baby after 3 years.

What do you call a small pile of dust in the corner? The place where a mummified baby used to be.

dogalmighty's picture
LOL...I guess it is...

LOL...I guess it is...

How do you make a dead baby float? One scoop ice cream, two scoops dead baby.

How do you get 100 babies into a bucket? With a blender.

How do you get them out again? With Doritos.

How many babies does it take to paint a house? Depends how hard you throw them.

What sits in the kitchen and keeps getting smaller and smaller? A baby combing it’s hair with a potato peeler!

What goes plop, plop, fizz, fizz? Twins in an acid bath.

Here is a question...are dead baby jokes moral? :)

Cognostic's picture
Whats more funny than a dead

RE: Are dead baby jokes moral?

Whats more funny than a dead baby? (A dead baby in a clown costume.)

Whats the difference between a dead baby and an onion? (You wont cry chopping up the dead baby.)

Baby Oil? Think about it. How many babies would you have to squeeze to get a bottle of baby oil?

How would you teach a baby to bark like a dog?
First you put it in the corner of the room.
Next you pour a cup of gasoline over it.
Finally you strike a match and toss it onto the baby.
WOOOFF! Just like a dog.

How do you make a baby sound like a cat?
First you stick it in the freezer over night.
Next, you take it into the wood shop.
Finally, you turn on the band-saw and cut the baby in half.

What is red, bubbly, and scratches at the window before exploding?
A baby in a microwave.

What cries and screams and spins around in circles? (A baby nailed to the floor.)

What has four legs and one arm? (A pit bull on a children's playground.)

What's the difference between a baby and a bagel? (You can cut the bagel in half and put it in a toaster but babies go in the oven.)

What do babies and baseballs have in common? (The neighbors get angry when you throw them through their windows.)

How many dead babies would it take to change a light bulb? (It all depends on how good you are at stacking.)


Tin-Man's picture
Re: Dead baby jokes

Re: Dead baby jokes

Moral or not, some of those are pretty damn funny!.... LMAO....

arakish's picture
Re: Dead baby jokes

Re: Dead baby jokes

Tin-Man: "Moral or not, some of those are pretty damn funny!.... LMAO...."

Arakish: "Moral or not, some of those are pretty damn funny!.... cringing while LMAOWF...."

Yeah, those were damned funny. Who cares about morality if it is funny? When it comes to jokes, morality is as useful as a used tampon.


Sheldon's picture
"Here is a question...are

"Here is a question...are dead baby jokes moral? :)"


No babies were harmed in the making of this thread.

So I'm going to say yes, they're fine.

arakish's picture
Damn Sheldon. That is good..

Damn Sheldon. That is good... ∞ ^ ∞ Agrees.


Tin-Man's picture
Hey, Dio!!! What's up with

Hey, Dio!!! What's up with all of the deleted threads/posts, dude???

toto974's picture


Hey, Tin, i think he is ashamed so he cleared all of his posts, but as you know, nothing ever die in the WWW...Wicked smile!

Tin-Man's picture
@Talyyn Re: Dio

@Talyyn Re: Dio

Ashamed???... *puzzled look*... Ashamed of what?

toto974's picture


I did not see his posts before he deleted them but if you look at what other said, it seems it wasn't pretty.


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