Can Islam Coexist Peacefully?

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CyberLN's picture
Did you notice those posts
mountain's picture
This is only my second post
Michael Bendure's picture
> Can Islam Coexist
mountain's picture
I am "horrified",
mysticrose's picture
In fairness to some Muslims,
D_F__'s picture
Why do you spread false
Michee's picture
According to the Quran the
_7654_'s picture
I think this question is a
Aaron's picture
Well it's very hard to say
Johnny Moronic's picture
Can Islam co-exist peacefully
mysticrose's picture
The Quran have baffled the
brajendraprasad's picture
The question you should be
hunter2342's picture
Alright, I guess I'll be one
Sky Pilot's picture
"In simple terms my first
Endri Guri's picture
Just like Christianity, no.
Sky Pilot's picture
That's so First Commandment.
Gary Walsh's picture
I am really annoyed by
Gary Walsh's picture
Why the Muslim 'No-Go-Zone'
Gary Walsh's picture
How The Myth Of Lawless "No
Sky Pilot's picture
Here's a 48 minute video from
charvakheresy's picture
Believe that all religions
Jonny Saxon's picture
I think this assumption (and
xenoview's picture
Necromancy at work!
msezell's picture
Hi all. Just a small
MCDennis's picture
Islam cannot co-exist
Seaofmadness's picture
I'm afraid my positions on
Lisa Williams's picture
Under normal circumstances, i
Valiya's picture
@ Lisa Williams
Lisa Williams's picture
Provide proof? Just read the
Valiya's picture
Hi Lisa


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