I think the subject pretty much sums up the rest of what I'm about to say, but I'll go into detail to explain the intracacies of the situation Islam seems to present to the free world.
First, I think Elaine Pagels stated it best by saying "There is practically no religion I know of that sees other people in such a way that would affirm the other's choice". However, do to the wide variance of adherence of an individual to his or her proffessed religion, it can be hard to get a reading on the overall interactions of a given culture. Essentially, in very few cases can a single person or group be said to represent a populace.
But, more so, I'm curious to discuss some of the ideas of Islam and how it seems to be manifesting and interacting in the Americas and Europe, as populations of Muslim communities begin make a pronounced presence.
I suppose my first question would be about the prospect of Muslim assimilation. Most free countries have open borders, and in recent years, Muslims have taken advantage to move to countries that offer a higher quality of life, and escape the war torn middle east. However, there are situations that may suggest that these immigrants refuse to adhere to their new countrie's laws. For example, there is arising in Britain, France, and now America has its example in Dearborn, so called "No-go Zones". These are essentially areas where large Muslim populations have began enforcing Shariah law, and due to prevalent levels of violence, native law enforcement has been unable to ensure the freedoms for native minorities in those areas. In simple terms my first question is: "Does Islam promote a supremist mindset of Islam in its followers, that gives rise to the illegal enforcement of Shariah Law?"
So my question is, "What is the politically correct course of actions to be taken with these situations?"
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