How could I say this? Easily! The overwhelming majority of christians vote for republicans. christian republicans identify with and support the nra, thay want zero gun control. 9 kids and one adult were murdered today in a Texas school by someone who had easy access to firearms because of republicans who never want any restrictions of their precious guns. They also distort the second amendment which makes paranoid people vote for the very ones who make it easy to kill other's..republicans!
The nra is nothing more than a blood thirsty organization which promotes gun use by using fear, much like organized religion.
Now I am watching the press conference and here comes the thought and prayers rhetoric by public officials. One student even just said and I quote, "god is good, pray".
I don't have tolerance for this kind of ignorance and I will NOT respect your ridiculous belief system that allows for complacency and the trail which leads to murder.
We always here about terrorist from other countries, well christians you and the nra are domestic terrorists as you have allowed for these republicans to take money from nra lobbyists which has allowed for mass killings all across this nation. So you bastards just killed 10 people today! Now go to church and pray it away!
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Well apparently you have some ignorance yourself there champ. The shooter claims to be an atheist.
Which means we’ll get to hear some more of those damn godless heathen articles.
I myself use and owns guns, I hunt as well as protect my livestock from predators and wild dogs.
So after you ban guns are you going to come guard my livestock for me?
I think you have misunderstood that post entirely. Firstly the blame was being directed at those who champion the rights of ordinary citizens to easily buy and own guns. Secondly the premise gun crime is facilitated by laws that make it easy to buy and own guns is axiomatically valid, regardless of the views assigned to people who have committed gun crime.
Owning hunting rifles to control pests or protect livestock on your own land is entirely irrelevant to the point the post was making.
Thank you Sheldon. You put it directly and clearly, yet he wants to keep his logic in the closet along with his atheism.
Well mister proud gun owner, the shooter might be an atheist, but also went on about he hated politics which is something conservatives say when cornered,like the,"there is no difference in parties crap!" That was not my point which was right there for you to comprehend, but like most gun owners you get paranoid about someone taking your guns and go off about your precious rights to hunt and keep your weapons that always end up killing innocent people.
christians and republicans have no compassion for anyone's welfare. They only care about the god, guns, flag and least we not forget abortion. Protect the fetus and let a gun owner take it away when they are just going about their daily lives!
No I don't want your livestock, you knew better then to get so dramatic! We already have a majority house, senate and president who are deranged animals. So how come this government is out of control and people don't use the second amendment to overthrow it? Because the armed forces would mow them down! That is why!
As for a solution. Stop manufacturing guns! 300 million here and we don't need more! Stop the NRA from promoting weapons. Have a government buy back of assault weapons used with tax money taken from the NRA and gun manufacturers and melt them down.
Not that people like you even care to think of a solution. Must be penis envy!
“keep your weapons that always end up killing innocent people”
My guns old and new, mostly generational, have never killed anyone nor do I plan to use them to.
“No I don't want your livestock, you knew better then to get so dramatic”
So you want something to happen but don’t care about the results... how are you different than all the others?
“Stop manufacturing guns! 300 million here and we don't need more!”
The United States is the largest exporter of guns...once you fill in the loss of revenue in banning guns, I’m sure they’ll follow suit.
“Not that people like you even care to think of a solution. Must be penis envy!”
I myself have an about average US penis size, maybe just a hair shorter but yet I’m also just shy of 7 foot tall. So maybe your the one with the “short” problem.
I am not going to make any further replies. I strive to not get caught up in the BS. I really try to be the most logical person I can be, but yet some biases will continually get through, like most other people.
I understand you have an emotional connection to the victims, but are your pursuits really going to solve the problem of trouble kids and their pursuits?
Out of the closet know it all. I have concern for any innocent people getting killed by gun nuts! You are a smart ass who sounds like a closet conservative.
The mental illness argument gun owners use is a distraction, much like your hunting excuse. Go get a bow and arrow and a BB gun for your livestock. Or just stand their like a scarecrow, since you are 7 feet tall!
As stated earlier gun manufacturers need to be stopped along with the blood thirsty nra, then there will be no exporting guns. Troubled kids. Maybe they are, but without easy access to weapons of war there would not be the large scale of mass killings.
"I" at least am concerned and have tried to offer my suggestions whether anyone agrees with them or not. You just talk about your fucking livestock and right to own a gun! You are part of the problem and not the solution. Don't respond. I don't need one from you. I find your replies self serving and nothing more. Go get a musket and go crazy!
Attach Image/Video?:
Obviously sensible gun controls would help.
I thought this interesting info (and source)...
"..According to 2017 Pew Research Center data analyzed for CT, white evangelicals are more likely than members of other faith groups or the average citizen to own a gun; 41 percent do, compared to 30 percent of Americans overall..."
Is that partly due to such fervent religionists being more common in rural areas inhabited by dangerous animals? There are Christians everywhere but those in rural areas seem to be especially (for want of a better word) "conservative". (It's not a conservatism I share).
The Christian concept of 'good vs evil' is also an impediment to their understanding of violent criminality. They need to study the psychology and criminology, not Christian teaching or belief in judgement and justice in an afterlife.
The principle should be more 'the intervention fit the offender' and less 'the punishment fit the crime'. Even school shooters vary individually. The only fairly common factors are bullying and social exclusion. Often there are psychological or mental problems as well as (of course) lack of empathy common to almost all criminals.
Violent crime is overwhelmingly a male problem. Solve male violence and most violent crime is prevented.
Well from what I've read there are multiple fake social media pages claiming to belong to the shooter. The Washington Post reported that he had described himself as an atheist, but that he also belonged to a dance group at a local Greek Orthodox church. So it seems that he's grown up in a Christian environment.
But as others have said, the bigots will seize on his recent claim to be atheist and blame the whole tragedy on the evil cult of atheism.
A pox on all the prayer-and-thoughters.
Only 10? You can't be serious! How many people died in Africa today because the Pope told them not to use condoms. How many more were infected?
More than one million adults and children die every year from HIV/AIDS in Africa. There are 365 days in a year. That means that an average of 2,735 people die each day. If only one-tenth of those people died because they listened to the Pope's message, Christianity killed 273 people plus the 10 you mentioned and I am being EXTREMELY GENEROUS to the frigging Pope.
Closetatheist's wrote, "So after you ban guns...", but TheLBowl didn't advocate banning guns. It is nowhere in his post. ClosetA preceded that comment with an accusation and sarcasm: "you have some ignorance yourself there champ".
Sheldon summed it up.
Incidents such as this serve as reminders that there's no guarantee that we will make it through the day. We can start the day just like we have always done. We make plans for the things that we will do in the future. But unbeknown to us the sands in the hourglass of our lives are falling like rain and are all gone in a flash. And just like that, our future has ended. So eat, drink, love, hate, be glad, be sad for there is no joy in the cold grave.
You're welcome.
This should make everyone's blood boil! Just when you think the trump zombies cannot get any lower, they find a way!
How can anyone disagree with my last post? All I wrote was exactly what happened as all can see. Apart from perhaps "Sheldon summed it up" there was no opinion in it. That people don't 'read the words' is a frequent problem. They appear to infer all sorts of nonsense that is really only in their heads.
And apparently doors are more of a problem than guns in the wrong hands....
Thanks for the article. It shows that evangelicals and conservatives avoid any progress on the real problem. They live their guns like the closet atheist. They live by the gun while innocents die by their guns!
"Pagourtzis' apparently well-planned assault in this rural community of about 13,000 people was the deadliest school shooting since February, when 17 people were killed in Parkland, Florida." Headline from" The West Today"
I am going to leave it here..." the deadliest school shooting since February," lovely job Texas, Lovely job United states...Great Job NRA..we applaud you.
" the deadliest school shooting since February," Fuck me dead......
Well, if the rug rats continue their bullying they shouldn't get upset when the person being bullied whacks them upside their heads in a fit of uncontrolled rage. Since they continue to bully people they will continue to get shot. And once the shooting starts who knows how many will get hit?
Psalm 57:4 (TPT) = "I am surrounded by these fierce and brutal men. They are like lions just wanting to tear me to shreds. Why must I continue to live among these seething terrorists, breathing out their angry threats and insults against me?"
The rugrats should be more adult about it and use bombs/drones. How can we expect the rugrats to bully less when we call bombs/drones "humanitarian intervention"?
Matt 23:1-12: "Do as they say (for, after all, they sit on Moses' seat), but not as they do."
Just sayin.
The interesting thing about killings such as the school shootings is that if the victims or their families are Christians it's a good test of their faith. Remember, Yeshua won't return until a magic number of believers have been killed for their faith. So suppose the parents of a victim have been church-going people all of their lives. Their precious child gets gun-downed. Do they then forgive the killer and see the death as one that was necessary to motivate Yeshua to return so that everyone can go to heaven? Or do they become angry and turn their backs on the religion that they have invested all of those years in?
When such events happen it's OK for believers be be sad but they need to keep in mind that Yeshua demands that a certain number of people must be killed for their faith before he returns. Besides, if you're going to live forever what does it matter if you get killed? You have to be dead in order to get to heaven or to paradise. That's the way they wrote the fairy tales.
@OP and everyone.
I always like to put my 2 cents in on the eternal gun debate.
- Almost no one wants to outright ban all guns. But a vast majority of people (well over 50%) support sensible regulation of firearms/guns.
- Guns are tools primarily designed to kill people/animals quickly and easily. Like other tools designed primarily to kill or maim, they should be carefully regulated much like RPG's, grenades, C4, fully automatic machine guns, and other explosives are carefully regulated now, (and surprise surprise we almost never hear of homicide done in this way!)
- Homicide via gun strongly correlates to the national availability of guns. Especially in uncontrolled manner like in the US, (gun rights advocates like to point to Norway that has a high gun ownership rate but fail to mention the mandatory 2 years of service in the national army that trains people on the proper use and storage of guns.)
- The US has the highest rates guns per population, and some of the most lax gun control laws in the world, and not surprisingly: the highest rates of homicide and suicide via firearms in all first world modern economy countries. The US also has by far the highest incarceration rates and overall incarcerated population (for all the wrong reasons!) so no one can say we have more "criminals" running around then other countries.
Most all the rest of the world view the US as a "gun crazed" culture, and at this point sadly shake their heads when they here about yet another mass shooting occuring in the US. (I believe for 2018, the US has more reported mass shootings than the rest of the world combined.)
Of course the issue itself, does not really pertain to most of us. The odds of your kid getting seriously injured or killed via gun in a school still remains in the 1 in a million range. Sure, I agree, no more kids should be dying from guns in our schools, even 1 is 1 to many, but there are other issues folks should be more concerned about. For overall firearm homicide rate, the odds you will die to a firearm from someone you know is along the lines of 90+ percent. With much of the remaining 10 percent being from people caught in the crossfire with the bullet not intended for them.
So in short, if you do not associate with people that have guns or know people that have guns, chances are very high that you will never die from a firearm. Also 90+ percent of all current gun owners are very responsible gun owners, and additionally 99+ percent of all legal gun owners will never use their gun to kill another human.
To me guns are a fantastic waste of money for most people, outside a few extreme cases. Guns as a hobby explain much of the expenditure on guns, and like many hobbies it is expensive.
ALSO: an insurance liability expert weighed in on the subject, (I can go find the article if anyone is interested) that if we placed gun ownership liability on the gun owner, the liability insurance would make gun ownership unaffordable to most gun owners. Especially if the insurance brokers running the liability did not have control over how the guns were stored, who had access to them, the sale/transfer of gun ownership, background checks etc. Guns are so dangerous they are mostly "not insurable." The possible monetary liability is too great. NRA and gun manufacturers know this, so they work very hard to prevent sensible gun control.
Additionally (sorry heh)
The NRA was actually quite cool group, up until the early 1980's when they transformed from a small organization dedicated to gun safety into a shill for the gun manufacturers. They did not even care about the 2nd amendment until the 1980's or so, and thought it was a bad/lousy argument, (which it is.)
Gun owners and mass shooters are very rational people. When a guy goes on a shooting rampage he is very focused and exercises a great deal of self control. The shootings always takes place in a specific place that has some meaning to the shooter. So the average person really has nothing to fear from the typical mass shooter because the average person is not his target.
A mass shooter may have a house full of guns and ammo but he never starts blasting away at his neighbors' houses and at cars driving down the street. Instead he will go to a specific place and shoot a few people there. Everyone else is completely safe. So the hysteria is simply unwarranted.
Don't confuse a mass shooter and a grudge shooter. They are completely different. A grudge shooter targets a specific person. A mass shooter goes to a specific place and takes pot luck.