On Converting Atheists

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Dave Matson's picture
calhais's picture
Fair enough. If your dilemma
Sapporo's picture
calhais: Interesting. If it
calhais's picture
You didn't answer the
Sapporo's picture
calhais: You didn't answer
calhais's picture
Would you say that all things
Sapporo's picture
calhais: Would you say that
calhais's picture
I think that all things that
David Killens's picture
@ calhais
calhais's picture
It matters a lot to me
David Killens's picture
calhais's picture
[Killens] It matters a lot to
David Killens's picture
This is circular reasoning.
calhais's picture
What is circular reasoning?
Dave Matson's picture
Now that I've looked at the
calhais's picture
I think that I made it
Sapporo's picture
I do not believe that my
Dave Matson's picture
arakish's picture
And don't forget the
calhais's picture
Suppose you're talking about
calhais's picture
Every time you drive
Dave Matson's picture
[Every time you drive
calhais's picture
The point is that you rely
Dave Matson's picture
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Greensake
Dave Matson's picture
Old man shouts ...,
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Greensnake,
Dave Matson's picture
Here's a summary in a fat
arakish's picture
I am stealing this ^^^^ so I
Sheldon's picture
An excellent post. To be


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