The dark side of Theism & Superstition

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xenoview's picture
Looks like the pope is
Truett's picture
I wish he would. I'm no fan
ThePragmatic's picture
US, Philadelphia - "Grand
ThePragmatic's picture
US, Philadelphia - "Grand
xenoview's picture
More sick stuff. India ex
Kataclismic's picture
The new list is in for the
xenoview's picture
More sick religious new from
xenoview's picture
Pakistan asks Facebook to
xenoview's picture
Russia court to consider
xenoview's picture
E.W. Jackson: Public Schools
xenoview's picture
Religious Right Rallies
xenoview's picture
Kentucky’s ‘Religious Freedom
xenoview's picture
Who would Jesus starve? GOP
xenoview's picture
A bishop in southwestern
Nyarlathotep's picture
Now we just need 5000 more to
Truett's picture
Since "inappropriate behavior
algebe's picture
Pluck your eyebrows and go
algebe's picture


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