All atheists have similarities in the fact what they face on a daily basis. The only real difference is the degree of intolerance that atheist face. In the USA atheists are attacked covertly and overtly. We are forced to send our children to schools where schools are controlled locally by theist crackpots that interject revisionist history and pseudo-science. That won't teach sex education and demand prayer in school. We trade with money that pays homage to a god. We go to baseball games where we are forced to participate in paying homage to a Christian god. In some parts of the USA, you can't even conduct business on Sunday due to religious beliefs. Christmas is a national holiday even though it has nothing to do with the government. Some businesses are allowed to not do business with people that are not christians.
When I sneeze christians condescendingly say "bless you." Christians demand that I bow my head in prayer at various places.
In other nations, it is far worse.
The sad thing is that we atheist don't impose a thing on christians. Secular doesn't mean atheist. A fact that christians cannot or will not understand. The fact is that christian are the least tolerant and least respectful people as a group in the world. People might say muslims are but muslim intolerance is largely due to christian intolerance and oppression of non-christians.
Every single day in the life of an atheist is a social challenge.
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I wonder why the theists haven't gotten around to sticking god in your national anthem as well. Why not "God save our gracious president"?
Is this Christian dominance in American society the result of Cold War propaganda against the "atheist" Russians and Chinese? Russians/Chinese are atheists. Russians/Chinese are communists. Therefore all atheists are communists. Just as that hysteria was starting to die down, the Islamic hysteria has flared up. In both cases, public reaction to government propaganda clearly shows that religion is great for controlling the masses. As an outsider, I'm seeing a serious lack of critical thinking. Is the "show-me" spirit only found in Missouri?
Actually "god" isn't in the National Anthem. You may be confusing it with "God Bless America", which is not our anthem.
That is on purpose. The anthem was chosen in part because it made no reference to a god.
Remember The anthem was composed by Francis Scott Key during the war of 1812. The Americans were fighting against religious dogma. Fighting against the idea that god determined everything for everyone. Fighting for self-determination and freedom over the yoke of Religious tyranny. At the time the British believed that god chose kings and that all nations should be ruled by kings chosen by god. That all peoples were subjects of crowns chosen by god. The American National Anthem specifically does not mention a god.
Yes. I knew the Star Spangled Banner was godless. Composed by Jimi Hendrix wasn't it? What puzzled me is why the Christians managed to sneak god onto your money, but didn't bother with the National Anthem.
"At the time the British believed that god chose kings and that all nations should be ruled by kings chosen by god."
Ironic isn't it. You'll find a lot more god-botherers in America than in the UK these days. Even in the 1960s, I don't think John Lennon would have been pilloried in Britain for saying the Beatles were more popular than Jesus.
They may have left it out of the anthem, but they put it in our Pledge of Allegiance. It is easier for children to learn the pledge because it's short and simple. I don't know if they do it anymore but one of the administrators would get on the PA system, ask everyone in the building to stand and recite the pledge. Guess you gotta teach em from young.
Child abuse. In the UK and New Zealand, they made the whole school recite the Lord's Prayer every morning.
Sieg Heil
" The fact is that christian are the least tolerant and least respectful people as a group in the world. "
Christians are annoying, but most are not a big threat. Go to Saudi Arabia, or Pakistan, or Bangladesh and say that same sentence about Muslims. You may find your lifespan shortened to minutes.
Sounds like more closet christian trolling from this person. It is typical for christians to go right after muslims. Just like our ne-nazi president you love so much! Never happened is a troll.
"Every day in the life of an atheist is a social challenge."
I don't consider every one of them a social challenge. For the most part, every one of my days is pretty damned wonderful.
And now to address one of my pet peeves: Perhaps it would be more appropriate for you to reword it with the following, "Every day in my life as an atheist is a social challenge." That way, you would be speaking for yourself instead of presumptively speaking for folks who may not have given you permission to do me.
I keep quiet and redirect. I can't be bothered by anything atheism or theism. That much of my psyche dismisses the argument both persist in propogating. I thought atheism was a declaration of dismissal and, once declared, never bothered with again. But, I'm seeing that's an interpretation most refuse to accept as they anoint themselves with unholy water and take up the stones of militant anti-theists. It's a lot easier slipping into resolute denial of theism in silence.
Same points, just different methods of dealing with it.
I wish you would keep quiet for all of our sakes! What hymn is that you are playing on your guitar? This person is a troll!
"All atheists have similarities in the fact what they face on a daily basis. The only real difference is the degree of intolerance that atheist face. In the USA atheists are attacked covertly and overtly."
Every group in the nation faces prejudice somewhere. Don't pretend it's atheist being beaten down alone, snowflake.
"We are forced to send our children to schools where schools are controlled locally by theist crackpots that interject revisionist history and pseudo-science. That won't teach sex education and demand prayer in school. "
You're not living in the real world. Public schools are secular. They teach sex education. And prayer has always been allowed in schools. It's just not led by the teachers anymore nor is it required. Public schools teach the same history and science as is accepted in academia. There might be schools with outdated textbooks but it's accurate as far as the publish date.
"We trade with money that pays homage to a god. We go to baseball games where we are forced to participate in paying homage to a Christian god. "
If the word God offends you on money, you're living a pretty great life. Like seriously. You're not having social problems if that's what you're worried about. And you've never been to a baseball game. They don't force you to participate. You're either lying or ignorant on this subject. Probably parroting someone else.
"In some parts of the USA, you can't even conduct business on Sunday due to religious beliefs. Christmas is a national holiday even though it has nothing to do with the government. Some businesses are allowed to not do business with people that are not christians."
That's their choice of hours. Not everyone has the same beliefs as you, snowflake. If you can't handle people closing their business on certain days then maybe you should either find some place else to shop or get over it. It's literally not a big deal. Christmas is a national holiday because even secular people celebrate it in some way for the most part. No one is forcing you to go to church on Christmas. This is literally a non issue. It's mostly not even advertised in a Christian way. Hence Santa Clause. And people can chose to do business with whoever they want. This has nothing to do with oppression. Get over yourself.
"When I sneeze christians condescendingly say "bless you." Christians demand that I bow my head in prayer at various places."
lol. Oh no! Someone says bless you to be kind. They must be condescending! If "Bless you" is social oppression then you are truly blessed. Because that's not oppression at all. Seriously, grow thicker skin. I bet you yell and scream if someone says Merry Christmas too. This is honestly pathetic. Also no one is demanding you bow your head. Because they can't force you to do anything. It's a request. But then again, you think "bless you" is condescending. So maybe in your mind, a request is a demand.
"In other nations, it is far worse.
The sad thing is that we atheist don't impose a thing on christians. Secular doesn't mean atheist. A fact that christians cannot or will not understand. The fact is that christian are the least tolerant and least respectful people as a group in the world. People might say muslims are but muslim intolerance is largely due to christian intolerance and oppression of non-christians.
Every single day in the life of an atheist is a social challenge."
Which nations? Name one. The rest of your post is just crying about those evil Christians(the same ones that say bless you when you sneeze) oppressing everyone. You're delusional about the world as a whole. And you're certainly delusional about the United States. I was an outspoken atheist in the Bible belt during the time when atheism vs Christianity was a huge thing in the news. We have restaurants here that have signs about God and other things. I didn't have a hard life as an atheist. I just whined about "muh atheist oppression!" just like you and it rightfully annoyed people because I wasn't oppressed. Just like you're not.
Although you're significantly worse than I was. I didn't care if people said "bless you" to me. Point is, atheists don't have any harder of a life than anyone else. There will always be some people who will be assholes to a certain group somewhere. But don't pretend like atheists are under the thumb of the evil Christians. Because they aren't. This is not the experience of everyone. When I got wiser, I realized that it's stupid to think I'm oppressed. If you're really offended by the non issues you've listed here, you're really lucky. Because there are actual countries where atheism and Christianity alike are punished with brutal death. That's real oppression. Not someone saying "Bless you" or "Merry Christmas" to you. I don't even consider Dawkin drones to be oppressive. And he outright tells his fans to humiliate people and make fun of them lol.
I am not talking about every group. I am talking about atheists as a group, and I am no "snowflake". I am actually a very tough SOB.
Schools in the USA are controlled by local school boards with some state oversight. In Texas, that means NO sex education, revisionist history, and pseudo-science.
The Supreme Court ruled that Prayer in school violated the Constitution. "Prior to the Court's ruling (Engel v. Vitale ), it was not unusual for public schools to lead students in a Christian prayer at the start of the school day. ... The U.S. Supreme Court agreed, ruling 8-1 (Engel v. Vitale, 1962) that school-sponsored prayer violated the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution"
Read this:
Many people have been kicked out for not participating. One man is suing MLB because he left to go to the bathroom and upon returning was kick out for not standing and facing the flag during the christian song.
You actually don't know what "Blue Laws" are.
You said "And people can chose to do business with whoever they want. This has nothing to do with oppression." That is NOT the case. You cannot be a public business even privately owned and ban people based on what is the civil Constitutional right!
Nice rant and attempt to belittle me, but you are dead wrong. Christians always tread on people's civil rights and get away with it all the time.
You seriously need to read the Establishment Clause of the Constitution of the United States of America.
And "bless you" is condescending. It assumes that you abide to christian authority. It is just as condescending as saying "I'll pray for you".
Christmas has nothing to do with the government of the USA or nor is it recognized by the entire population. It doesn't matter that the majority recognizes chrismas. Christmas is a religious holiday and violates the establishment clause. If christians want christmas off, they should have to take vacation days like people that are not christian do for THEIR religious holidays.
What happens somewhere else is NOT an excuse for christians lording over American society. And I address those other issues as well, just not in this post.
You're not as tough as you think you are.
You're telling me Texas has NO sex education, revisionist history and pseudo-science huh? Well you're wrong. They have sex education there. I promise you. They also don't have revisionist history and pseudo-Science.
So you're complaining about something that hasn't been a problem since 1962? Wow. Get over it. It hasn't been an issue in 55 years. lol.
Show me proof of this lawsuit and proof of them being kicked out for not participating in the anthem. That article is an opinion piece with no sources of anything.
I do know what Blue Laws are. Oh by the link you posted "In the United States, the U.S. Supreme Court has held blue laws as constitutional numerous times, citing secular basis, even though the origin of the blue laws was for religious purposes." maybe you should read what you send if they are going to destroy your point. lol.
I think you're the one who needs to read up on laws. You have no idea what you're talking about and it shows. You DO have the right to do business with who you want if you're the owner of that establishment. You have zero idea how business works.
And no Bless you is not condescending. It doesn't assume you abide by anything. It's them being polite, snowflake. You're not a tough SoB lol.
Dude it does have to do with the government. I just told you why it's recognized. This isn't hard to understand.
You have yet to come up with a single actual issue.
As for being a tough SOB. I assure you I am. I have 3 purple hearts. How many do you have? I served 22 years in the USMC.
There is no question that christmas is a religious holiday. That is a fact. It doesn't matter how anyone celebrates it.
Texas teaches revisionist history:
Pseudo-science Creationism and sex education:
God Bless America:
I'm sure a punk like you does not like respecting other people's rights. You like to call people "snowflake" because it is your attempt to emasculate someone. The fact is that you are dead wrong on everything involving this issue, and YES it is an issue.
Maybe you could actually prove that chrismas is not a religious holiday AND that it involves the government. The fact is that chrismas is the recognition of the birth of jesus christ. It is singularly a christian holiday foisted on the rest of America. I don't care you fucking spin it, those are the facts!
Every aspect of life in the USA is lorded over by christian dogma. That is also a fact. I could have easily written the post to be about jews, or muslims, or any number of sectors of society that are systematically oppressed by christians. This is an atheist forum so I chose atheism.
I don't care how many purple hearts you have because you're still thin skinned currently if you are offended by "Bless you". You can hide behind those if you want but the fact of the matter is, there is zero issue you're facing as an atheist. There just isn't. Like I said in another thread. Grow up.
So your proof is all opinion pieces and anecdotes lol. Thanks for proving you guys are not oppressed by the way. It's amazing how you prove yourself wrong with the links you yourself post. It's honestly really embarrassing for you
Oh as for Christmas being federal
By the way I'm calling you a snow flake because you're a thin skinned person who likes to act tough and expects everything to revolve around your feelings. And by the way, you've proven me right on every issue.
I agree Texas does teach nonsense. There's a very simple response to this: it's Texas. Rick Perry has been their governor for years. What did you expect?
Well using snowflake and dude just made you look like the fool you are! Texas is one of the worst states for any kind of civil right. They are a bunch of lunatics with a bad reputation for racism, bible thumpers and killing people. They repeal anything that is good for the people. They just love the fact that they can accuse and kill more people with capitol punishment than any other state. Moron!
Atheists only have a hard life if they live in an area heavily populated by Muslims.
Bullshit Radical. Atheists have been persecuted by every religion but MOSTLY by christians. Yes muslims have persecuted atheists as well.
I didn't say atheists weren't persecuted by every religion. Pay attention to tenses here. I said atheists only have a hard life if they live in an area heavily populated by Muslims.
Okay, I apologize. I didn't consider tense. The truth though is that Atheists have a hard time in areas controlled by islamic theist, not simply because areas are heavily populated by muslims. Take Indonesia, it is 90% islamic and is an islamic nation, but atheist live freer there than here relatively.
Yes, there are laws that prevent certain kinds of business transactions on Sunday in the US. The notion that they don't exist is "odd" to say the least.
Here is an example of a local one(yes, even Las Vegas has blue laws!):
You might be surprised to find out that this law is relatively new (less than 20 years old). Back in the day the dealerships had a gentleman's agreement not to sell cars on Sunday so they could go to church. When the city grew new dealerships moved into town and they didn't give a hoot about the gentlemen’s agreement so they started selling cars on Sunday. How did the good old boys react to their losing business to places open on Sunday? Do you think they threw up their hands and used Sauron's line above: "that's their choice of hours". No. They lobbied the county to make it illegal to sell new cars on Sunday.
So they did it through legal secular means?
You told mykcob4 these businesses are closed by choice on Sunday; well it turns out many of them are in fact closed by law.
A day in the life of atheism continued.
Just today I was walking my dog and a neighbor I had not met yet(they just moved in), said "happy lord's day." I was taken aback. I said, "Are you selling something?" He said, "NO, I said happy lord's day." I replied, "I am not a believer." I should have just ignored them because he started proselytizing right then and there. I said, "hold on a minute. I am not a believer so don't preach at me, and leave me alone." He kept following me and just wouldn't shut the fuck up. He kept asking which house is mine. I finally turned around and pointed to my house and said,"That one, and if you or any of you friends come to my house and bother me I will call the police and have you arrested and forcibly removed from my property!"
You see you can publicly proclaim to be a christian in this nation and none will bother you. Oh, some might call you a crank under their breath, but very few. But try and proclaim that you are an atheist publicly. You get harassed....endlessly! Christians totolly ignore Amendment I of the U.S. Constitution. They ignore the Establishment Clause. If you say "happy holidays" they call it a war on christmas.
They want ten commandments in our courts. They want mandatory prayer in school. I have heard every excuse from them even when they have admitted that they are violating the Constitution. Everything from "it couldn't hurt anyone to pray or to have the commandments posted" to the majority of the people want it so we should do it. They even make the FALSE claim that this nation was founded on christian tenets, an outright lie! They disrespect the rights of every single person but themselves. They think that they have a right to impose their bullshit on EVERYONE!
Well, I am here to say FUCK NO YOU DON"T!
Laws don't come from the bible or the word of your god. Laws come from society!
Morality doesn't come from religion or faith. Morality comes from society!
You don't have the right to impose your faith on me or anyone else. Your religious right is SINGULAR!
Secular does NOT mean ATHEIST!
Atheism is not a religion or a belief!
Requiring christians to respect individual freedom is NOT an attack on their religion...IT'S THE LAW!
The majority does not RULE when it conflicts with individual rights.
Religions are really businesses, growing concerns that are JUST evading taxes!
Religion has no business in government buildings, schools, or courts of law!
"God Bless America" is a religious song that states that if you are not christian you are not a patriot! It is a call for obedience.
"Bless you" and "I'll pray for you" are smug acts of condescention and arrogance!
So FUCK YOU CHRISTIANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll take things that never happen for 500 Alex.
Got troll?
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Yeah he's pretty obvious at this point. Most of his posts seem like parodies of the atheist subreddit honestly.