Hi everyone. As the subject says, I came to see the errors in christianity and escaped from that prison. I was raised in the church and as an adult was a member of one for many years. I searched for peace and joy and the light burden that christianity promised but was only weighed down with it's dogma. I have a background of study in human behavior. Particularly in criminal thinking and attitudes. The religion of christianity shares many thinking errors in common with abusers rapists and thieves and it preys on the weak. Some of those thought process that it shares with criminals are black and white thinking, closed thinking, superior self image, power and control, possessive attitudes. It manipulates and deceives to gain power over its adherents. They think that everyone else's opinion's and beliefs are worthless and last but not least, they view themselves as unique.
My experience as being an insider of the church is one of seeing leaders lie cheat and commit adultery. Emotional abuse of people sucked into their "counseling" vortex. Christianity is a scourge on the world and peoples lives. I knew one person who committed suicide as a result of biblical counseling.
I've been working thru the stages of grief in regard to a complete and total transformation of not only my world view, but also the loss of my friends. That said, it is good to be free of it all. I am not sure where I fall as far as belief in the supernatural but I do know the universe is a wondrous place and love to ponder it's mysteries.
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