Do you believe there's a heaven/hell?

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SammyShazaam's picture
An eternal cookie? Brilliant!
efpierce's picture
I think the concept of heaven
Zaphod's picture
I had what was called an
Unknowntyper's picture
SammyShazaam's picture
Yep. pretty much.
ginamoon's picture
Not exactly heaven and hell,
mysticrose's picture
Atheist don't believe in god
Shock of God's picture
As a Christian, I do believe
Pathway Machine's picture
First you have to realize
Spewer's picture
The meek are contesting the
Pathway Machine's picture
Naturally many will contest,
JahLive's picture
To be honest I didn't read
Pathway Machine's picture
JahLive's picture
I had troubles accessing your
Pathway Machine's picture
Sorry about that link, its
Schibaka's picture
If you believe in a heaven /
Pathway Machine's picture
According to the Bible the
Schibaka's picture
Think of your life as a light
Pathway Machine's picture
Schibaka, the Bible pretty
Schibaka's picture
At the bottom of his heart,
Shock of God's picture
The concept of a Hell
Zaphod's picture
Hey Smack of God I have been
Shock of God's picture
My perspective is based off
Zaphod's picture
Lets rephrase that a little.
Schibaka's picture
God knows everything ? I
Shock of God's picture
Then don't read it and your
Zaphod's picture
I would argue that while you
Carl Pastor's picture
Karoline235's picture
Nope, I don't. Ever since I
Karoline235's picture
Nope, I don't. Ever since I


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