Does Deism preclude Atheism?

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James Evans's picture
Does Deism preclude Atheism?

For those of you who don't know, deism is the belief that, at some time, there was a god who created everything. It then either disappeared, or sat back to watch what happened with its creation, observing, but not interacting. It does not read minds, or answer prayers, or give a damn about sin. It does not create natural disasters or make bad things happen to good people. In essence, it is only a god in that it created all. My question is this: If you believe in Deism as the source of the universe, and that the god which created the universe did so and then ceased to exist, does that mean that you are not an atheist? Does atheism mean believing that there has never been a god, or that you only believe there is no current god?

By the way, these are not my beliefs. I am simply trying to create a good debate topic.

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DarkLight's picture
I think atheism is not
Georg Buscha's picture
In my eyes, deism is a form
ajs's picture
Georg, you have a very
Henry Plantagenet's picture
I'm with George. I think a
mysticrose's picture
Atheist don't believe in past
SammyShazaam's picture
I love puzzles of logic like
TW Duke's picture
There do seem to be gray
Henry Plantagenet's picture
I'm surprised the theists
SammyShazaam's picture
Several religions do have

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