Evidence of GOD/ JESUS over Myths.

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ThePragmatic's picture
@ peter
Alembé's picture
Hi Peter,
William G Peter's picture
Nazareth was exist even
Alembé's picture
Can you please provide
William G Peter's picture
Why do you bother about
algebe's picture
Peter: "Similarly there's
William G Peter's picture
The Bible came from God who
algebe's picture
@Peter: "therefore the Bible
curtisabass's picture
WTF? Please speak English.
Pitar's picture
I'm sitting this one out but
mykcob4's picture
Are you fucking kidding me?
William G Peter's picture
I'm not kidding you but
chimp3's picture
Peter: Me thinks you are
Alembé's picture
I accept that when I die, my
Nyarlathotep's picture
Peter - There's a HOLY SPIRIT
mykcob4's picture
Chris McDearman's picture
Do you have any sources on
mykcob4's picture
watchman's picture
and again....


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