Evidence of GOD/ JESUS over Myths.

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bigbill's picture
here are some names scholars
algebe's picture
@SA: "Jesus was a real
curtisabass's picture
You missed Donald Trump.
Dave Matson's picture
simply agnostic:
bigbill's picture
to snake in the grass, you
Nyarlathotep's picture
Strawman. Chimp said he was a
chimp3's picture
bigbill's picture
chimp were you there in the
MCDennis's picture
Simple, you wrote: Were You
watchman's picture
algebe's picture
"we go back to manuscripts
chimp3's picture
CyberLN's picture
#3...grapes, yeast, and time.
algebe's picture
"SO much to be said for a
CyberLN's picture
I prefer a Pinot Gris (heavy
chimp3's picture
I love the way a cabernet
CyberLN's picture
A dear friend is a vintner.
chimp3's picture
Thank you. What general
CyberLN's picture
NW of the U.S.
William G Peter's picture
What all you described were
mykcob4's picture
@simply agnostic
Dave Matson's picture
ProgrammingGodJordan's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
ProgrammingGodJordan - So,
watchman's picture
At the risk of repeating
ImFree's picture
Judeo-Christianity actually
ThePragmatic's picture
@ peter
William G Peter's picture
That's good, God is Spirit
chimp3's picture
Peter: I do not find your
William G Peter's picture
You might read the Bible but


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