Explaining the Many Who Have Had Clear Experiences

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Christian_Engineer's picture
Explaining the Many Who Have Had Clear Experiences

I am new to the forums and new to the site. I am a Christian with a fairly scientific mind and I am always intrigued by how many people act as though science and religion are opposed to each other rather than as I see them as complimentary.

One question, I've been curious about is how do most atheist explain super natural events that people report. Is the general belief that these people are liars, confused, combination? I've included a video link to show what I am talking about. There are hundreds of thousands similar experiences and I am interested to know how a typical atheist explains these experiences.


Thanks! I look forward to hearing your replies.



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Sapporo's picture
A "supernatural event" is an
Christian_Engineer's picture
By supernatural event, I was
Sapporo's picture
Christian_Engineer: By
Sheldon's picture
"By supernatural event, I was
Nyarlathotep's picture
Christian_Engineer - Is the
Christian_Engineer's picture
So the general belief would
Sapporo's picture
Christian_Engineer: So the
LogicFTW's picture
Christian_Engineer's picture
No, neither of those things
Sheldon's picture
Christian_Engineer's picture
There are often many ways to
David Killens's picture
Sheldon's picture
I' sorry but either you can
Hitch's picture
@ C-Eng
Nyarlathotep's picture
Christian_Engineer - I can
Sky Pilot's picture
arakish's picture
@ Nyarlathotep
Sheldon's picture
It's catchy, I like it, maybe
Christian_Engineer's picture
Have you heard of Revital-U?
algebe's picture
@Christian_Engineer: it seems
watchman's picture
Exactly what Nyarlathotep
xenoview's picture
The video is to long to watch
Sapporo's picture
Science and religion are not
arakish's picture
Sapporo: "Science and
Christian_Engineer's picture
I know some religions hold to
gupsphoo's picture
Christian_Engineer's picture
Not at all, I mean portions
gupsphoo's picture
Christian_Engineer, not
CyberLN's picture
Christian_Engineer, you wrote
arakish's picture
@ Christian Engineer


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