Explaining the Many Who Have Had Clear Experiences

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Sky Pilot's picture
Christian_Engineer's picture
I think he was smarter than
Sky Pilot's picture
Christian_Engineer's picture
The Bible contains an Old and
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ CE
Sky Pilot's picture
Mutorc S'yriah's picture
No doubt, people have
CyberLN's picture
As an engineer, how do you
Christian_Engineer's picture
I believe there are aspects
LogicFTW's picture
arakish's picture
Christian Engineer: "I
Sheldon's picture
Unless they can demonstrate
Christian_Engineer's picture
I don't believe in Thor, I
David Killens's picture
Why don't you believe in Thor
Sky Pilot's picture
David Killens,
David Killens's picture
Yea, but Thor rides a chariot
Sky Pilot's picture
David Killens,
gupsphoo's picture
If Thor threatens people with
algebe's picture
@David Killens: what is the
arakish's picture
Christian Engineer: "I would
jay-h's picture
Many people who are not
algebe's picture
@Christian_Engineer: how do
jay-h's picture
That's what bugged me about
algebe's picture
@NeverHappened: That's what
LogicFTW's picture
That is hollywood for ya.
arakish's picture
NeverHappened: "That's what
David Killens's picture
The original Star Trek were
algebe's picture
@David Killens: gets the gal
dogalmighty's picture
If the events do not
SeniorCitizen007's picture
What natural laws govern the


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